Hi Xiang,<br>
I don't think yuou want to use the pulse width measurement for that and I don't think that's how the reference levels work.<br>
Instead I'd suggest you use the High Time and Low Time measurements.<br>
In terms of the SCPI commands to control these and other measurements, they should all be documented in the measurement chapter of the programmer's manual.
<p>Hi Marianne,</p>
<p>1) It is possible to have TekVISA and NI VISA installed at the same time, although it usually requires TekVISA be installed before NI VISA.<br>
2) My suggestion was to do programmatic control of SignalVu-PC instead of the RSA306B directly. SignalVu-PC has its own programmatic control interface that shows up as "GPIB8::1::INSTR" and identifies itself as SignalVu-PC, just as you saw when you did "*IDN?".</p>
<p>3) The RSA itself doesn't have an interface that communicates with VISA and does not use SCPI commands. So you will not be able to find the RSA on any VISA software.</p>
So. my suggestion is to connect SIgnalVu-PC to the RSA306B, open TekVISA to generate the virtual GPIB interface in VISA and run a python script using pyvisa to communicate with virtual GPIB interface of SignalVu-PC.</p>
Hi Xiang,<br>
All the commands are described in the programmer's manual: <a href="https://www.tek.com/en/sitewide-content/manuals/4/5/6/4-5-6-series-mso-programmer-manual">https://www.tek.com/en/sitewide-content/manuals/4/5/6/4-5-6-series-mso-programmer-manual</a><br>
To answer your questions:<br>
1) Channel labels can bet set by: <code><span dir=ltr role=presentation style="left:7.63%;top:25.75%;font-family:sans-serif;">CH<x>:<span class="highlight appended">LABel</span>:NAMe</span></code><br>
2) Channel bandwidth can be set by: <code><span dir=ltr role=presentation style="left:9.99%;top:37.64%;font-family:sans-serif;">CH<x>:BANdwidth</span></code>
<p>Update on the current situation of this issue:</p>
<p>1)  <code>MAINWINDOW:SOURCEORDER</code> will remain undocumented and should not be used (except in setup files);</p>
<p>2) commands to control the channel groups are planned for a future firmware release.</p>
<p>Hi Carrie,</p>
<p>Since youre signal is just a squarewave, you could try connecting one of the output channels of the Siglent function generator to the trigger input of the AFG31000, avoiding the inconsistent trigger output issue of the SIglent.</p>
<p>Hi Vincent,</p>
<p>I was not aware of any user accessible user port to access NVRAM, where did you find out about this?</p>
<p>I don't think the problem is with NVRAM, instead I think it's more likely a problem with your hard drive or software. I would suggest doing an OS restore as a first step.</p>
<p>Hi Carrie,</p>
<p>From my experiments, the AFG31000 trigger to output delay is stable even after turning it off and on, so the problem is likely with your Siglent.</p>
<p>Hi Carrie,</p>
<p>If you use the AFG in basic mode, you can set it to output a Burst and to trigger that burst externally, then you can configure the trigger delay and, from my testing, it should be very stable.</p>
<p>If your trigger delay isn't stable with this setup, it's probably because of the Siglent function generator that has an unstable trigger output delay (hence why they said it was difficult to synchronize). To fix this you could try triggering the AFG off your output signal instead of the trigger or reverting the setup and having the AFG be the master and the Siglent the slave.</p>
Hi John,<br>
We have had issues with Prologix USB-GPIB controllers before.<br>
I have used NI USB-GPIB adapters successfully, so that would be my suggestion.
Hi Stephen,<br>
The AFG3000C does not have raw sockets support, you need to use VXI-11/VISA. The newer AFG31000 does have support for raw sockets on port 5025.<br>
I'm not quite sure what operating system you're using, but pyvisa-py runs on Linux, so it might be a good start.<br>
I imagine it would be possible to send your commands to an intermediate Linux/Windows server (can be a small computer like an RPI) and have that do the VISA communication for you instead.