Posted Wed, 27 Dec 2023 07:36:40 GMT by 楊, 憲忠
Hi everyone
I am using Tek MSO54 and FW version is
I know use command can create measurement, ex. MEASUREMENT:MEAS10 -> is create MEAS10
but I want setting Measurement source(not use default source) before ADD Measurement
I can't found any command example can setting source before create measurement in 4-5-6-Series-MSO-Programmer Manual
I want know how to use command change Measurement type and setting source in this screen(File MSO2.jpg)

Best Regards

Posted Thu, 28 Dec 2023 03:32:37 GMT by 楊, 憲忠
Hi Iris
Thank you very much
I found this command "MEASUrement:ADDMEAS DELAY" can change measurement type
but can't presetting source1、source2

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