Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:13:58 GMT by User, Forum

Can you provid some recommendations for software that will allow me to take screen captures from my 5 Series and bring them over to my laptop?

Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:18:59 GMT by Expert, Tektronix Applications

Thanks for contacting us,

There are a few approaches here so I'll try to offer enough information for you to choose what would work best for you. If you want to view and remotely operate the scope you can use e*Scope by networking the scope and accessing it's IP address from a web browser or by simply using a remote desktop application if you are using the Windows drive. Additionally, if you are using the Windows drive you can also save files (including screenshots) directly to a networked drive the same way you can with any other Windows computer. If you want to save screenshots directly from the scope to the computer you can use the SCPI commands outlined in the programmers manual or you can try this free piece of software created by one of our engineers: Lastly, if you want a more robust remote UI for working with your scope(s) you can look into our paid software that fully replicates the UI locally on your computer:

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