Posted about a year ago by Hsiang, Sunny
The programmed oscilloscope read HardCopy screenshot data and then send the screenshot to the computer, which I can use the MDO3054 do it. But use the MSO64 causes the oscilloscope's outputbuffer read to time out, the oscilloscope must be restarted to solve it, but running this code after restarting will cause oscilloscope's outputbuffer read to time out again. Self-check: I looked up the MSO64B programming manual and did not find the SCPI instruction "HARDCopy STARt". I wonder if this SCPI instruction caused the error, and whether there are other SCPI instructions that implement similar function of saving screenshot data. Or the *OPC instruction is written in an inappropriate position, causing an error in reading the instrument's outputbuffer. Please analyze the root causes of engineers, thank you very much!
Posted about a year ago by Teles, Afonso
Hi Sunny,

HARDCOPY has been deprecated in the newer scopes, you should use SAVE:IMAGE and FILESystem:READFile instead.
Posted about a year ago by Hsiang, Sunny
Hi Teles, Thank you for your reply.

Could you use these two SCPI commands to demonstrate how to send a screenshot of the MSO64B oscilloscope to your computer? Or provide the latest application program demo.

Thank your help!

Posted about a year ago by Teles, Afonso

Hi Suny,

I do, I've attached such an example with this post.

Posted about a year ago by Hsiang, Sunny

Hi Teles,

Thank you very much for your help, I have solved this problem with your help.

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