Posted Wed, 15 Feb 2023 02:38:17 GMT by Kazzi, Joe Principal Electronic Design Engineer
The trash can on MSO56 screen is no where to be found and doesn't show after reboot or default setup, Any idea how to bring it back?
Posted Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:55:57 GMT by Schneider, Daniel


I believe that you are referring to the recycling bin on the desktop of a Windows 10 based scope. If that is not correct, could you please elaborate?

If your scope is running Windows 10, you can show the recycling bin with the following steps.

Open the Start menu > select Settings.

Go to Personalization > Themes > Desktop Icon Settings

Select RecycleBin > Apply

Posted Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:45:40 GMT by Kazzi, Joe Principal Electronic Design Engineer
Thank you for your response,  my scope is not running Windows 10,  It used to have a "recycle bin" at the bottom right corner to which I could drag and drop waveform and measurements to delete them, this recycle bin icon has disappeared.  In the MSO5x manual it is referred to as trash can icon.  I am not sure if in the recent software upgrade this icon was removed or I've done something inadvertently to delete it.  I found it a convenient way to delete unwanted measurements without the need to connect a mouse or keyboard.
Posted Wed, 15 Feb 2023 19:10:08 GMT by Schneider, Daniel
Hello Joe,

Thanks for the clarification, I have attached a photo to make sure we are talking about the same icon.  This icon was removed with a firmware update a while ago.  It has been replaced by swiping the waveform or measurement badge off screen to delete.  

Could you tell me what firmware version your scope is running?  This can be found under Help > About.
Posted Wed, 15 Feb 2023 20:22:10 GMT by Kazzi, Joe Principal Electronic Design Engineer
Yep, I was referring to the icon in the picture you attached.  I am running firmware rev:  Swiping off the screen didn't work.  Any particular direction I should swipe?
Posted Thu, 16 Feb 2023 15:04:49 GMT by Schneider, Daniel
Hello Joe,

Thanks for confirming.  To deactivate a channel swipe down, and to deactivate a measurement swipe it to the right.  

Starting at 8:40 this video has an excellent introduction to the updated user interface.  Additionally, at 9:40 Brandon demonstrates swiping a channel off screen to deactivate.  

5 Series B MSO Intro Webinar | Tektronix

Finally, the latest firmware for the MSO56 Non-Windows can be found here.


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