Hello Avital,
You can adjust if the sweep increases or decreases in frequency by changing if the start or stop frequency is higher.
Additionally, by setting the sweep return time you can set the instrument to perform an up-down or down-up sweep. I have included some examples below.
Down Sweep:
Start: 6MHz
Stop: 4MHz
Sweep Time: 100mS
Return: 0S
Up Sweep:
Start: 4MHz
Stop: 6MHz
Sweep Time: 100mS
Return: 0S
Up followed by Down Sweep (relative to trigger output)
Start: 4MHz
Stop: 6MHz
Sweep Time: 100mS
Return: 100mS
Down followed by Up Sweep (relative to trigger output)
Start: 6MHz
Stop: 4MHz
Sweep Time: 100mS
Return: 100mS
A few things come to mind that might be the issue:<br>
If you are attempting to install the same or lower firmware version that is already on the scope it will skip the upgrade process.<br>
1. What firmware version is currently installed on the scope?<br>
2. What firmware version are you trying to install on the scope?<br>
It may also be firmware for a different scope.  For example attempting to install firmware for the MDO4k on a DPO/MSO4k will also skip the upgraded process.  <br>
The release notes included with the firmware download will specify which scopes the firmware is compatible with.  <br>
These are the two most common issues provided that the USB drive is functioning properly.  Let me know if this helps.  
Hello Dan,<br>
Yes, the DPO7254 supports remote access.  Either by using Windows Remote Desktop, or your preferred VNC software.  I recommend using TightVNC as its light weight and supports Windows XP.
While the P6100 isn't the best probe to use with the TDS524A due to the probe's compensation range being 10-35pf and the TDS's input capacitance being at the edge of its range 10pf.  There should still be a signal, but it will appear distorted. <br>
In this case the probe compensation port might be non functional.  If possible, consider using a second known good oscilloscope to measure your TDS524A's compensation test point.  
Here is a set of commands that will setup a bookmark to track a channel at a given X-position in reference to the trigger point.<br>
callouts:callout1:type bookmark<br>
callouts:callout1:bookmark:source ch2<br>
callouts:callout1:bookmark:xpos -2E-3<br>
Change -2E-3 to your desired X-position referenced to the trigger point, currently this will track the value 2mS before the trigger.  You can use the other callout formatting commands listed in the programmers manual if you want to improve its presentation.  
Hello Daniel,<br>
It looks like you might be modifying the settings for synchronizing multiple AFG31ks together.  <br>
Instead, to modify the delay between two channels on the same instrument you will need to modify the phase/delay setting.  This can be found under the frequency parameter for a given waveform.  
Hello Joe,
Thanks for the clarification, I have attached a photo to make sure we are talking about the same icon. This icon was removed with a firmware update a while ago. It has been replaced by swiping the waveform or measurement badge off screen to delete.
Could you tell me what firmware version your scope is running? This can be found under Help > About.