Posted Wed, 24 May 2023 19:00:54 GMT by Li, Xiang
Is there a way to use SCPI to add a voltage marker call out to a trace?&#160;<br> Please see attached pic, in which case I'm trying to add a marker (~1.2 V in this case) on c2 at time 0 (hopefullly this time is programable) .&#160;<br> &#160;
Posted Thu, 25 May 2023 16:43:15 GMT by Schneider, Daniel
Hello,<br> <br> Here is a set of commands that will setup a bookmark to track a channel at a given X-position in reference to the trigger point.<br> <br> callouts:callout1<br> callouts:callout1:type bookmark<br> callouts:callout1:bookmark:source ch2<br> callouts:callout1:bookmark:xpos -2E-3<br> <br> Change -2E-3 to your desired X-position referenced to the trigger point, currently this will track the value 2mS before the trigger.&#160;&#160;You can use the other callout formatting commands listed in the programmers manual if you want to improve its presentation.&#160;&#160;

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