in a measuring system for production actual the DMM2000 with a serial communicatin is used.
The applicatin is, that a measuring mode is applyed by commandands, and then the resulting value is read each second for further
processing in a script.
The commands for DC Volt are:
":conf:volt:dc;:init:cont 1"
":sens:volt:dc:aver:state 1"
":sens:volt:aver:tcon mov"
":sens:volt:aver:coun 10"
":sens:volt:rang 10"
Then each second The result is read with the command
Assuming I get the last valid result of the applied filter moving average.
Assuming the instrument will do the number of measurings without any additional commands.
Now I have to adapt the new DMM6500, using NI-VISA interface and not the SCPI2000
command set.
The commands I use now are:
Then reading each second with the command
will execute only one measuring. So if the input signal changed from 0 to 10 V I get
the correct value only after 10 seconds.
"READ?" command does the same.
How can I set a trigger or whatever to tell the DMM6500 to make measuring as fast as possible
(in local mode it seems to be freerunning) and witch command is necessairy to get the last
filtered measuring value?
Thank you.