• RE: daq6510 7702 4-wire resistance Overflow errors

    If longer delay is allowing a good outcome, it implies a difference in the time constant of your DUT.
    • Not necessarily, it could also be related to the relay contact settling time. 

    Does it stop reporting the overflow if you turn off the open lead detection? 
    • No.
    • It's important to note, that it's not a constant overflow error.
    • Typically there will be at least 1 overflow error on each scan and the overflow will be on a different channel each time

    I had shortened one of set of leads before making the initial post, but it had no impact.

    The overflow problem occurs at 1 and 10 Ohm ranges, but goes away at the 100 Ohm range

    I have also tried increasing the NPLC window from 1 NPLC to 3 NPLC but again, there was no impact. 

    I gave the oscilloscope a shot with a differential probe but I couldn't really see much
    - I didn't see any little square wave or pulse, that would look like an ideal measurement
    - Front panel: couldn't see anything on the scope
    - Rear panel: I did see spiking for all measurements, regardless if there was an overflow or not 

    Could noise pickup on the cables be a potential culprit ? 
  • daq6510 7702 4-wire resistance Overflow errors

     I am experiencing overflow errors on my daq6510 and 7702 card. 

    The system is setup to measure 4-wire resistance @ 1NPLC cycle, 10 Ohm range with open lead detection. 

    At the moment I have it setup to measure 5 Channels. But I keep getting a lot of overflow errors. 
    If I change the Channel delay to 50ms or increase the measurement range to 100 Ohm, I no longer experience overflow errors.
    But these are not the settings I want.
    I also have a second system setup to measure 20 channels, with the same settings and that does not experience any overflow errors.

    Any ideas on why this is? 
    I assume the system manages its own response and settling times.

  • DAQ6510 4-Wire Resistance Sample Rate

    How do you set the sample rate of the front panel measurement system when measuring resistance ? 

    I can see settings to change the aperture time, reducing this increase the sample rate but I have to figure out the sample rate based on measurement timestamps

    In the basic setting there is a basic option to set the reading per second but this seems to be more of a system setup setting, i.e. numerous other settings are changed 

    It's not clear how I explicitly set the acquisition rate to 10kHz