• RE: TIVPMX Probes

  • TIVPMX Probes

    We are using Tektronix optiques probes. 
    Two cables was broken with the below detail :
    1-  X005240 "21-Jul-2023", +/- 50V, TIVPMX 10X : Mechanical breakage
    During the manipulation of the cable, the internal Pin of the cable was broken.
    2-  X003035 "08-Feb-2021", +/- 50V, TIVPMX 10X : Electrical issue
    - The cable divides the expected reading value by 2 (Exp: the expected value is 20V, the oscilloscope signal shows 10V).
    - After a few minutes the cable no longer measures anything, the value remains at zero.

    Question :
    1- It's possible to repair both cable ?
    2- How can I proceed to return the broken equipment to you ?