Posted Tue, 03 Jan 2023 04:33:27 GMT by Santos, Abel
Hello all,
I am trying to connect our Keithley power supply 2260B-800-1 to a PC via GPIB using the TEK-USB-488 GPIB to USB adapter from Tektronix. Unfortunately, I have not managed to communicate with the power supply and it seems that there is some incompatibility since the adapter status LED is solid red (according to the colour code that would indicate that "the adapter sensed an attempted connection of a USB connection to a non USBTMC-USB488 device". I was wondering if there is any way to make this connection between the GPIB to USB Adapter and the Keithley 2260B.

Alternatively, I have tried to connect to the power supply via USB using a custom-built LabView application but I also struggle with this (I can write but I cannot read). I have some experience with LabView but mostly using GPIB (little with VISA).

I would thank you if you could give me some guide.

Many thanks for your kind help and time!

Best wishes,
Posted Wed, 04 Jan 2023 19:14:13 GMT by McKinney, Ty
See below link to another thread that should help! This covers all available information we have at this time.

GPIB-to-USB connection of Keithley 2260B-800-1 via TEK-USB-488 GPIB to USB adapter · Tektronix Community
Posted Wed, 04 Jan 2023 21:46:33 GMT by Santos, Abel
Hello Ty,
Noted with thanks!

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