Posted Fri, 09 Aug 2024 09:45:46 GMT by Nguyen, Kien
I would like to build a voltage measurement setup for measuring the voltage drop on a superconducting sample using 4-point probe technique. I will use a TDK GSP10-100 to ramp up the current applied on the sample and using the Keithley 2182A to measure the voltage corresponding to each value of current being applied. Because of that, I need to establish an external trigger for the Keithley 2182A from the TDK power supply. Could anyone please tell me if it is possible to perform the external trigger between the Keithley 2182A and the TDK power supply ?
Best regards,   

Posted Sun, 18 Aug 2024 11:47:41 GMT by C, Andrea
Check out the User Manual on Trigger Link.
Also section on stepping and scanning for an idea of how to handshake with external current source.
Posted Mon, 19 Aug 2024 15:55:40 GMT by Nguyen, Kien

Thanks for your reply. However, in the manual it showed only example of synchronizing with Keithley power supply. Have you had experience in making it handshake with power supplies from other brands ?


Posted Mon, 19 Aug 2024 21:51:51 GMT by C, Andrea

The trigger lines in the trigger link are 5V, TTL digital lines.

The digital lines are agnostic about what they interface with, so long as they are TTL.

The same steps are required for the 2182A regardless of who’s current source is used.

Does the TDK have digital IO?

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