Posted Wed, 15 Feb 2023 23:41:23 GMT by Karoly, David Senior DSP Applications Engineer
Sorry about the multiple edits to this post - I'm having some trouble getting this to render as text without showing the markup tags.
Does MSO58 have a SCPI command for exporting an image of a measurement plot to the PC?
For example, a png file. With DPOJET on the 5000/7000 series, plot images could be exported using the command DPOJET:EXPORT {PLOT1-PLOT4, <file string>}
On MSO58, there is the command SAVe:IMAGe:VIEWTYpe {FULLScreen} but that doesn't support selecting a particular plot, only FULLScreen.
Any plans to support selecting and exporting a particular plot?
Posted Thu, 16 Feb 2023 23:11:40 GMT by Teles, Afonso
Hi David,

I have taken the liberty of changing the formatting of your post.
When posting code, it's best to use the code style in the "Styles" drop down menu.

As you stated, the only view currently supported is Fullscreen. I am not aware whether or not more views will be added soon.
As a workaround, I would suggest instead using the SAVe:PLOTData command to save the relevant data and then present it as you wish.
Posted Fri, 17 Feb 2023 21:22:35 GMT by Karoly, David Senior DSP Applications Engineer
Hi Afonso,

Thanks for fixing the formatting and for your response.
Hopefully, the ability to save a plot image will be added at some point. I see the scope GUI does provide the capability, see the screen shot in the attached file. it would be great to have the ability to do this programmatically as was possible in DPOJET.


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