As part of an automation project, I'm using pyVISA to communicate and control my scope from my PC. as part of this process, I need to import the signal from the scope to my PC for further analysis.
In my case, the signal I'm having a hard time to import properly is a 1.5 second train, made of short (~50), 8MHz, pulses. I need to detect and measure the peaks of these pulses, and because they are very high frequency, while viewing the whole train, the imported signal isn't sampled fast enough so I get inconsistent peak values.
While this happens, I do see in the scope display the actual signal I want, with consistent peak heights, but I think the scope counts them as part of the "Glitch background" despite the FilterVu being set to 200MHz (so it shouldn't actually filter out anything).
If someone has a solution for this It would help a lot, maybe a way to completely disable any filtering, or a different way to transport a raw signal from the scope to my PC?

The code I'm currently using to import the signal:

# Reading samples of what is shown on the scope screen
oscilloscope.write('DATASOURCE CH1')
oscilloscope.write('DATA:ENCDG SRI')
oscilloscope.write('DATA:WIDTH 2')
oscilloscope.write('DATA:START 0')
rec_len = 1250000
oscilloscope.write(f'HORizontal:RESOlution {rec_len}')
oscilloscope.write(f'DATA:RESOlution FULL')
oscilloscope.write(f'DATA:STOP {rec_len}')
data_ch1 = np.array(oscilloscope.query_binary_values('CURV?', datatype='h', is_big_endian=False))
