Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:08:13 GMT by User, Forum

After upgrading his TBS1064 to the TBS2000B, I am having trouble while capturing. When capturing a trigger on the newer unit, I set the trigger to 500 ms for each square. When I did this on the TBS1064, the unit would only save about 6 seconds, which was the size of the screen. Now, on the 2000B, he says it saves minutes' worth of data, which he claims is far too much.

Can I change this?

Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:13:15 GMT by Expert, Tektronix Applications

The TBS2000B should give you slightly more data than what you see on the screen, but this would just be an extra second or so. We would need to do more troubleshooting to help you, but there should be a solution. Best way would be to send us the data you are saving along with a .set file of your current setup.

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