Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:12:12 GMT by User, Forum

What is the simplest approach to load files (CSV, PNG, etc.) from his MSO58 into MATLAB? I can import the files but don't know how to plot them once they're in the software.

Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:17:13 GMT by Expert, Tektronix Applications


I don’t personally have much experience scripting with Matlab, but we do offer some sample/example/demo scripts on the Tektronix forums and Github pages. I would suggest referencing these or even building your code from these examples. The ‘simple plot’ script and demo video discuss how to collect data from the scope and then plot that data, similar to what you are requesting.

Tek Forum Programming Examples:
• MATLAB ICT: MDO Simple Plot:
• Simple Plot Demo Video (python):

Tektronix Github:

Test Automation and Python Programming Lecture:

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