Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:07:56 GMT by User, Forum

My Oscope does not go beyond the opening screen no matter which buttons we press. This is a new problem- any idea what might be wrong?

Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:12:57 GMT by Expert, Tektronix Applications

Unfortunately, it looks like your scope needs to be sent in for repair. You can attempt to fix the issue by force installing the most recent firmware, but this is unlikely to help. If you want to try this, here is the link to the firmware page: To force install this firmware, create an empty file called "override.txt" on the USB flash drive in the root or topmost folder. This is to ensure the firmware installs even if the scope is currently on that version.

If force installing the firmware does not fix the issue, you can contact our service team by calling 1-800-833-9200 option 2 or by emailing

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