Posted Wed, 24 May 2023 13:58:38 GMT by Alibozek, John
the latest MSO58 update for windows based systems now completes a screen capture with the dialog displayed and non-inverted image with inverted image selected . if the image is inverted on the scope originally this does not occur. This happened on one of the previous updates and i don't recall how to correct it.
Posted Wed, 24 May 2023 20:58:56 GMT by Xu, Iris
John,<br> I could pass this along to the firmware development team-- I also did a small test and see that it doesn't always save with the inverting setting correctly.<br> <br> Display- Inverted, Save-Normal will save an inverted image but with dialogue.<br> If you have both Display-Inverted, and Save-Inverted, I believe the image will also save inverted.<br> <br> If you could provide some images with your issue that would be great.<br> <br> -Iris
Posted Wed, 31 May 2023 10:02:54 GMT by Alibozek, John
attached is a capture of each image type. with the wrong background (should have been inverted) and dialog box captured. the image does display as inverted when the save is completed&#160; but it seems like the image is stored to quickly and grabs it when the dialog box is still on the screen. this had happened on a previous update and then was corrected.&#160;
Posted Wed, 31 May 2023 21:33:59 GMT by Xu, Iris
Hi John,<br> I let our product team know of this issue. I'll let you know if there is an update.<br> <br> Best,<br> Iris Xu
Posted Tue, 06 Jun 2023 12:34:21 GMT by Alibozek, John
I just installed the latest windows firmware update V2.0.3, and the issues appears to have been addressed. Captures no longer have the dialog box when the background is inverted.

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