Posted Mon, 30 Oct 2023 07:03:02 GMT by N, Sowmya

FILESYSTEM:READFILE “USB0/TEST_DATA/TEK00016CH1.CSV" command is not working in TBS2104B scope. I wanted to transfer screen image file from scope front usb to Pc over ethernet using SCPI Commands. using Tektronics  Open choice Talker Listener to send SCPI commands. other commands are working. 
I wanted to save the scope screen shot and scope settings in PC. and recall them whenever required. Please guide me how to do the same using SCPI Commands over ethernet. 
Posted Thu, 02 Nov 2023 21:29:48 GMT by Xu, Iris
Hi Sowmya,
You also have to read the raw data after the FILESYSTEM:READFILE command.
I've edited Afonso's python script he previously posted for the 6-series for the TBS2000B.
1) Replace the VISA resource address with your scope's.
2) You should be able to find the .png saved under "TBS2000B_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.png" after running this script (or feel free to change it so it doesn't generate a file name based on date/time.)

Posted Mon, 06 Nov 2023 12:13:29 GMT by N, Sowmya
Hi iris
TBS2000B series Scope does not have internal memory to save image. is it possible to read image file(jpg, png format) from USB?
How to check  FILESYSTEM:READFILE command without writing script.
when I am sending FILESYSTEM:READFILE command from Tektronix Talker/Listener it is showing timed out error.
Mount drive option is not there in this scope. does it require shared folder to read the file from scope usb?
Posted Wed, 08 Nov 2023 00:57:54 GMT by Xu, Iris
Hi Sowmya,
You can read an image file but in order to decode it on the PC side, you'll still need some kind of script because FILESYSTEM:READFILE sends the raw data-- it's not going to just automatically show a .png in the Talker/Listener terminal.
If you want a program that can do that, I would recommend Tekscope Utility:

Posted Wed, 08 Nov 2023 06:07:41 GMT by N, Sowmya
Thank you so much Iris. python script you shared is working fine. I can save the screenshot to PC. 

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