Posted Fri, 30 Sep 2022 19:49:03 GMT by User, Forum

Hello, I am looking to figure out the baudrate of a serial line using an MS054, but can't figure out how to set more than one limit on measurements (ex, I want to measure only the first rise and fall on a signal) and I can only set one limit (searching for requirements).

Posted Fri, 30 Sep 2022 19:54:05 GMT by Expert, Tektronix Applications


You can use measurement gating to specify the area you want the scope to measure. To use measurement gating, double-tap on the measurement and then select the Gating tab. There are a couple Gating types, I would suggest using Cursors or Time. With these gating options, you will need to use the Multipurpose knobs to move the cursors or start/end gate time. This will allow you to measure just the first rise and fall of the signal.

There is also a Time measurement called Data Rate that I believe will do what you are looking to do. This measurement gives the reciprocal of the Unit Interval.

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