Posted Wed, 26 Jul 2023 07:54:06 GMT by More, Vikas
Please describe the logic of measurement taken for overshoot in MDO3014 model. Since waveform not crossing 10% limit still DSO measures overshoot 25.4%. Please help to understand this calculation and factors affecting.
See the attached waveform for 24V rising signal.
Posted Thu, 27 Jul 2023 16:05:24 GMT by Teles, Afonso
Hi Vikas,

That is certainly unexpected, I think the issue might be that the measurement is considering that first hump at around 22 V to be the start of the pulse.
Would it be possible to share a waveform file of your captured signal?
Posted Wed, 02 Aug 2023 04:22:13 GMT by More, Vikas
Hi Afonso,

Thanks for your reply,
Overshoot measurement 25% means signal must cross atleast 30V (6V more for 24V). From the waveform max. value is not crossing 26V. It is newly purchase instruments MDO3014. 
Also I have noticed another issue that falls triggering in single shoot mode. Please find attached another waveform of measurement of delay between falling of channel 4 at 1V from 5V and Channel 1. Channel 4 is at 5V only still scope trigger the waveform and giving false result.

Posted Wed, 02 Aug 2023 16:41:17 GMT by Teles, Afonso
Hi Vikas,

Overshoot measurement 25% means signal must cross atleast 30V (6V more for 24V). From the waveform max. value is not crossing 26V.

I disagree with that conclusion and I gave my explanation in the previous reply. I would need you to share the waveform file for me to be able to confirm what's going on with that measurement.

Channel 4 is at 5V only still scope trigger the waveform and giving false result.

No, your trigger is operating just fine, the problem is your sample rate is too low so you're missing events. You should increase the sample rate by decreasing the time/div or increasing the record length (or both).
I'll also say that you probably don't want to have your channels be bandwidth limited for such fast events, so I'd suggest going into the channel menus and switching "Bandwidth" to "Full".

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