Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:07:45 GMT by User, Forum

I am trying to control a Tektronix MSO46 using the USB socket with my computer. Am using NIMax as the software interface and it does not recognize the MSO46 when it is plugged into the USB port. The computer is running Win 10 and we are using the on board USB socket to interface to the MSO46. Is there a driver I need to download to make NI Max communicate with the MSO46?

Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:12:46 GMT by Expert, Tektronix Applications

The search function in NIMAX doesn't always find instruments. To connect to your scope, navigate to Devices and Interfaces in NIMAX and select Tools. Hover over NI-VISA and select VISA Interactive Control. This will open a new window and you can enter in the scope identification in the Resource to Open bar. The identification will be in the format "USB::Vendor ID::Model ID::Serial Number::INSTR". You can find this information for your scope under Utility > I/O > USB Device port. Once you have typed in the ID, hit enter and this will open the Interactive Control window and allow you to communicate with your scope.

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