Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:13:06 GMT by User, Forum

I recently purchased an MSO46 with a factory installed perpetual ultimate software bundle, however the scope shows that the license has an expiration date in Oct 2022. The license also does not show up in my account under the Tektronix Asset Manager. Can you confirm that a perpetual license has indeed been installed on the MSO46 and that it will not expire?

Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:18:07 GMT by Expert, Tektronix Applications

Thanks for contacting us,

Although the UI could use a better designation for it, it looks like what is being indicated is the end of the maintenance license rather than the software bundle license. You will still be able to use the scope and all of its current features indefinitely but in order to get new features and updates you may need to purchase a maintenance license after the expiration date listed. You can also see more clarification of the license structure here:

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