Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:12:23 GMT by User, Forum

I currently have a TPS2024 and since you no longer make this product I need to know what you suggest instead.

Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2022 23:17:24 GMT by Expert, Tektronix Applications


There are a couple options here. Most people bought the TPS2000 series scopes because of the isolated input channels. If those are an important requirement for you then I would suggest you just get the TPS2012B which we do still offer. It is only 2 channels and 100MHz, but it is the only scope we currently offer with isolated input channels. If you are just looking for another 4 channel 200 MHz scope then there are other newer and cheaper options. I would suggest that you look at both the TBS2204B ( and the 3 Series MDO ( Both could likely be used with high voltage differential probes to hopefully measure what you previously used the isolated channels for.

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