Posted Sun, 07 Jul 2024 22:17:34 GMT by Dumre, Bishal

The <dual> parameter in "SOUR:SWE:VOLT:LIN" allows to forward sweep and immediately reverse sweep.

We can put delay time between two successive measurement points by using <delay> parameter, but not between sweep directions.

However, I wanted to put some delay between forward and reverse sweeps.

How can we do it?

Please help me.

- Bishal
Posted Wed, 10 Jul 2024 18:57:18 GMT by Ryland, John
What instrument are you using?
Posted Wed, 10 Jul 2024 20:41:33 GMT by Dumre, Bishal

Keithley 2460 SMU.

Posted Thu, 11 Jul 2024 16:06:36 GMT by Ryland, John
So you need to build a trigger model in the instrument using the trigger flow. After running the seep once press Trigger -> Configure on front panel. You should see a trigger flow and you can insert your delay between sweeps in the right place. Just try through front panel for now and then move back to your program and add the commands to modify the trigger model
Posted Thu, 11 Jul 2024 23:35:24 GMT by Dumre, Bishal

I was able to find trigger flow in Trigger -> Configure. However, it introduces delay in each successive measurement rather than between forward and reverse sweeps. Also, how can we go back and put the correct code. What is the exact keyword to put such kind of delay?

Thank you very much in advance for helping me.

Posted Fri, 12 Jul 2024 18:15:05 GMT by Ryland, John
So the command "SOUR:SWE:VOLT:LIN" 1, 5, 10, 0.1, 1, Best, Off, ON "will create a source configList that increases from 1V to 5V in 10 increments and then because dual setting is on it will add to the configlist from 10 down to 1V. The trigger flow it creates simply loops through this configlist and at end of each loop it does a config_next.
Basically the command you are using creates the configlist. You just need to modify the trigger model it creates to add a delay block after the sweep forward has completed so the config next block, after the delay, would start the first backward sweep.

Read the Trigger Flow section of the manual to learn about this and view the trigger flow that is created in the instrument through the front panel. Then you need to create your own flow, pretty much like the instrument has done but add a delay block to start the backward sweep.

See attached example trigger flow

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