• RE: Simultaneous sine waves on SMU 2602 channels A & B

    Hello Fabrizio,

    Yes, this is very much possible with the 2600B SourceMeter.

    Sounds like you have our application note on ARB features of the 2600B SMUs
    Github code
    ARB Features for testing Ford EMC

    Either approach could work for generating sine wave from the SMUs.

    Suppose you use a list of 100 points to describe one cycle of the waveform.
    If you source those values at 10KHz rate, you’ll have the 100 Hz waveform.

    The max source rate is about 12K, so you’re approaching the limits of the speed.

    Keeping with the idea of 100 point list sweep:
    if trigger count is 100, then one cycle is sourced.
    if more than 100, the list is recycled.
    If trigger count is 0, then plays until you send abort command.

    If you don’t already, download the Test Script Builder application for running TSP code with the instrument.
    Then port it out to C# or Python, etc.

    Test Script Builder
  • RE: License File Not Working for KickStart

    Try this:
    - if open, close KickStart application.
    - use file explorer to navigate to the C:\ProgramData\Keithley directory
    - delete the Keithley directory
    - restart KickStart and again navigate to the manage license.
    Any host id info now?

    If still not, please contact your local sales/support office for assistance.
  • RE: Python VISA control of DAQ6510 with 7700 MUX card

    There are many, but I typically use the status byte and opc() for operation complete.

    Here I setup for 10 scans of 4 thermocouple channels:
    my_instr.write("status.request_enable = 32")
    my_instr.write("status.standard.enable = 1")
    my_instr.write("myScanList = \"101,110, 115, 120\"")
    my_instr.write("channel.setdmm(myScanList, dmm.ATTR_MEAS_FUNCTION, dmm.FUNC_TEMPERATURE)")
    my_instr.write("channel.setdmm(myScanList, dmm.ATTR_MEAS_THERMOCOUPLE, dmm.THERMOCOUPLE_K)")
    my_instr.write("channel.setdmm(myScanList, dmm.ATTR_MEAS_REF_JUNCTION, dmm.REFJUNCT_INTERNAL)")
    my_instr.write("channel.setdmm(myScanList, dmm.ATTR_MEAS_OPEN_DETECTOR, dmm.ON)")
    my_instr.write("channel.setdmm(myScanList, dmm.ATTR_MEAS_NPLC, 1)")
    my_instr.write("display.watchchannels = myScanList")
    my_instr.write("scan.scancount = 10")
    my_instr.write("scan.scaninterval = 1")
    my_instr.write("scan.create(\"101,110, 115, 120\")")

    Then when ready to run the scan:
    #status poll for opc()
    #attach our session to read_stb channel
    print("First status byte value: " + str(my_instr.read_stb()))
    my_instr.write("opc()")  #this signals operation complete
    #repeat until the SRQ bit is set
    still_running = True
    status_byte = 0
    debug = 1
    while still_running:
            status_byte = int(my_instr.read_stb())
            #if debug: print(status_byte)
            if debug: print(str(status_byte) + ' - ' + str(bin(status_byte)) + ' - ' + str(hex(status_byte)))
            if (status_byte and 64) == 64:
                 still_running = False
            time.sleep(0.5)  #500msec pause before asking again
    print("Last status byte value: " + str(status_byte))
    print("Scan is done - go get the data")

    Typical output from the Python code:
    First status byte value: 0 0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    0 - 0b0 - 0x0 
    96 - 0b1100000 - 0x60 
    Last status byte value: 96 
    Scan is done - go get the data

    The attached PDF has a second example for when using TSP functions.
  • RE: DMM 2750 Auto recording & export of measured values

    Are you using any scan cards with the 2750?  Or using it as a DMM to measure Ohms of a single devices at a time.

    The 2750 can be controlled by sending the SCPI commands that it understands over GPIB or RS-232.
    The SCPI commands are documented in the 2750 manual.

    The KickStart software can interface with 2750 over GPIB interface.
    The Windows computer will need a GPIB interface from National Instruments or Keithley (KUSB-488B).

    If using scan cards, use the datalogger application of KickStart (KICKSTARTFL-DL).
    If not using scan cards, use the DMM application of KickStart (KICKSTARTFL-DMM)

    More info:KickStart
  • RE: Python VISA control of DAQ6510 with 7700 MUX card

    Assuming the scan is complete, then from Python you could send something like this:
    my_instr.write("printbuffer(1, defbuffer1.n, defbuffer1.readings)")
    raw_data = my_instr.read()
    raw_data_array = raw_data.split(",")
    my_instr.write("printbuffer(1, defbuffer1.n, defbuffer1.relativetimestamps)")
    raw_time = my_instr.read()
    scaled_time = raw_time.split(",")

    The data from the readings will be from the various channels.
    So here is simple code for putting that into arrays for each channel
    #for the number of channels in the scan, need to decimate the data
    number_channels_in_scan = 4
    number_data_elements_per_chan = 1
    ch101_time = []
    ch101 = []
    ch102 = []
    ch103 = []
    ch104 = []
    for i in range(0, len(raw_data_array), number_data_elements_per_chan*number_channels_in_scan):
        if len(raw_data_array[i]) > 0:
  • RE: how to get EXIT key file in kickstart for checking it in AMS

    Step 1:  In the KickStart, generate an exit key (and have the LIC file).
    Seems you already did that as the screen shot of KickStart shows no license.  I assume you already exported it to have this state.

    Step 2:  in the AMS license site, navigate into your in use license inventory and use the Upload to receive the LIC file.

    See attached file/screen shots.
  • RE: Problem when Measure I-V curve with 4200, triax-cable

    To have more insight, under the Advanced settings of the Terminal Settings, place a check box on the Status Reporting for each SMU.
    This will put a new column in the sheet.  When you hover or dwell the mouse cursor on that column of data, the tool tip window will decode the status info.
    In particular, knowing which current measure range is in use could be helpful.

    What settings for current measure range do you use?  Limited auto?

    The level of current is quite small, so more settling time might help too.  Try adding some Sweep Delay.
    Or try using smaller dV/dt step sizes on the gate voltage sweep (more points).

    If you have the 8101-PIV and the 1GΩ sample resistor, you could compare the current measure of the two SMU.
    Use two terminal device and force a small voltage with one SMU while other forces 0V and measures the arriving current.

    In Clarius, under the Tools icon in the ribbon, run the SMU Auto Calibration to see if this helps.

    When was last time system went to calibration lab/service center?
  • RE: DMM6500 External trigger IN operation

    The trigger in on the dmm6500 is 5v logic.
    Your GPIO might be 3.3v, so you’d need an interface for that.
    something like :  https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12009

    The default mode of the trigger is falling edge from 5v to zero.

    Depending on what you want to do, the TSP script environment in the DMM might allow you to implement some of the automation with the dmm.
    Info:  https://www.tek.com/en/video/product-features/what-is-tsp
  • RE: 2470 Triax Connectors

    The HV triax at rear of 2470 is deliberately different so that “conventional” triax cables from max 200V products cannot connect.

    The TRX-1100V-x cable is required for the HV triax on rear panel of 2470.

    Maybe what is unexpected:  The male triax connector on this cable is also compatible with “conventional” sized female triax barrels, feed through, etc.  However, do keep in mind the 1100V rating.
    There are various TRX-1100V-xxx accessories.  Also our legacy 237-xxx accessories are also rated for 1100v and are compatible with the HV triax cable.

    I advise you to consider the voltage rating of the probing setup and use 1100V components throughout.
  • RE: I have a question regarding the Keithely 6514 overhead time.

    Last page of Datasheet says 1200 readings per second into buffer at 0.01 nplc and with other things turned off.
    This gives some idea of the overhead.

    using trigger model to acquire N measurements into buffer will be most time determinant was to operate the 6514.
    Can the timestamps give you some info?

    Alternately, there is an analog signal on the preamp output.  You can sample that for exactly 1 second with scope if looking for area under current vs time curve for amp-hr info.