• RE: TekScope Utility - Fetch data from your scope without programming.

    Hi Alex.  No.  This application requires the .NET framework and a VISA package that supports the IVI standard VISA.NET library.  Perhaps there is a way emulate all that on Linux (don't ask me how. I don't know.), but natively there is no support for Linux.
  • RE: TekScope Utility - Fetch data from your scope without programming.

    New Features

    • Added support for FastFrame
      • FastFrame waveform sets can now be fetched on MSO 4/5/6 Series, DPO/MSO70000(B)(C)(D)(DX) Series, DPO70000SX Series, TDS5000(B) Series, TDS7000 and CSA7000 Series instruments.
      • FastFrame frame data can be saved with all frames in a single CSV file or with each frame in separate CSV files.
    • Updated the waveform CSV file headers to make the files compatible with opening as a reference waveform on MSO 4/5/6 Series instruments and TekScope PC.
    • Waveform CSV files now include additional information in the header:
      • Scope Serial Number
      • Trigger Timestamp if available
      • FastFrame Information if applicable
    • Added support for 2 Series MSO digital channels
    • Added support for DPO/MSO70804DX, DPO/MSO71254DX, DPO/MSO71604DX, DPO/MSO72004DX Models
    • Added support for DPO72004SX, DPO72504SX models
    • Added support for TDS 5K (B), 6K (B) and 7K Series and CSA7K Series instruments.

    Other Fixes/Changes

    • Added sub-seconds to the timestamps in the Measurement Log of the Data Logger.  This can be disabled in the options.
    • Increased the number of digits written to waveform .csv files on both the horizontal and vertical values, increasing the resolution of the written values.
    • Get Data buttons on the Measurement and Setup tabs are no longer enabled when an instrument resource is not selected.
    • Fixed issue with the Stop button at the lower right of the Data Logger tab being disabled while the Data Logger is running.
    • On some models, channel labels were not being fetched.  This has been fixed.
    • Console command history (Up/Down arrow keys while cursor is in command text box) behavior has been fixed.
    • Console output window now handles display of binary data correctly.
    • Other console output window display enhancements.


    Version 1.5.0
  • RE: TekScope Utility - Fetch data from your scope without programming.

    Hi Rehyun.  I'm going to assume that you are using NI VISA as your VISA layer.  The big thing is to make sure you can see the instrument in NI-MAX.  If the instrument does not show up there, then it will not show up automatically in TekScope Utility.  You can try entering the VISA resource address of the instrument into TekScope Utility manually, e.g. TCPIP::<ipaddress>>::inst0::INSTR and then try to connect.  You will need to identify the IP address of your scope from the Utility -> I/O... menu.
    Make sure your PC and your scope are on the same network and both your PC and scope have an IP address on the same network.
  • TekScope Utility - Fetch data from your scope without programming.

    About this Software

    TekScope Utility is a Free software utility designed for the transfer of data (screenshots, waveforms etc.) from Tektronix Oscilloscopes to the PC so they may be saved to the PC’s hard disk.

    Features Include:

    • Transfer and saving of screenshots (hard copies) from scope to PC (.png, .jpg or .bmp)
    • Transfer and saving of analog waveform data from scope to PC (.CSV)
    • Transfer and saving of digital waveforms data from scope to PC (.CSV)
    • Transfer and saving of measurement data from scope to PC (.CSV)
    • Transfer of scope setups to and from the scope
    • Command console for interactive remote command sessions with instrument
    • Data Logging of scope data to PC over time


    Supported Instruments

    The following Instruments are supported by this software.

    • TDS200 Series
    • TBS1000(B)(C) Series
    • TBS1000B-EDU Series
    • TBS2000(B) Series
    • TDS2000(B)(C) Series
    • TPS2000(B) Series
    • TDS3000(B)(C) Series
    • TDS5000(B) Series
    • TDS6000(B) Series
    • TDS7000 and CSA7000 Series
    • DPO MSO 2000(B) Series
    • DPO MSO 3000 Series (Firmware Version 2.4 or Later)
    • MDO3000 Series
    • DPO MSO 4000(B) Series
    • MDO4000(B)(C) Series
    • 2 Series MSO
    • 3 Series MDO
    • 4 Series (B) MSO
    • 5 Series (B) MSO
    • 5 Series LP MSO
    • 6 Series (B) MSO
    • LPD64 Digitizer
    • DPO MSO 5000 (B) Series
    • DPO 7000 (C) Series
    • DPO DSA MSO 70000 (B)(C)(D)(DX)(SX) Series

    Supported Interfaces

    • Asynchronous Serial (RS-232) COM Ports
    • GPIB (NI 488.2 compatible)
    • Ethernet (VXI-11)
    • USB (USBTMC)

    Installation Instructions

    • Download the .zip file to your PC
    • Extract the .zip file to the location of your choice
    • Double-Click "TekScope Utility.exe" to run the application.


    Version 1.5.0

    Version 1.4.2

  • RE: Saving and exporting multiple waveforms in quick succession

    Hi David.  I don't believe that the DPO2000 series is fast enough to produce waveforms out the remote interface (or even to a local USB drive) at 5 waveforms per second.  This scope will likely produce somewhere between 1-3 per second.  The reason for this has nothing to do with binary versus .csv saving format, but rather that the scope isn't quick enough to perform single sequence acquisitions and then spit out the data via CURVE? query that fast.  You might be able to achieve these rates on the new 2 Series MSO scopes (5/6 Series can definitely do these rates), but the good ol' DPO just doesn't quite have the compute power for it.
  • RE: TBS2104B Scope : SCPI command to read is fetching partial data

    Use the version of the Read() method where you specify the maximum number of bytes to read and set it to a large value.
    byte[] Read(
    	long count
    By default the Visa.Net library uses a buffer of 1M, but that isn't large enough for your file so you are only getting 1M of it.

    Another option would be to make multiple reads until you perform a read that returns fewer bytes than you set count to.  You could use the following version of the Read() method and set the parameters so that the data keeps getting put into the same byte array.
    void Read(
    	byte[] buffer,
    	long index,
    	long count,
    	out long actualCount,
    	out ReadStatus readStatus
    Easiest thing to do though, just set the count to value larger than the size of the file being transferred.
  • RE: Tekscope Utility) Error "Index was outside the bounds of the array"

    Hi.  Yes, I have seen this error come it.  It seemed like something changed in a firmware version that induced this, but then the issue seems to have sub-sided since then, perhaps another firmware update that changed it back.  That said, there is a beta version of TekScope Utility ( that works around this change in firmware behavior.  I have attached a copy.