RE: Driver to control Keithley 3706A with visual basic application using ethernet cable
thank you for your support.
I have some question- The cmdScan and the cmdSimple are two buttons?
- do you have any liste of the function to configure the Keithley, I mean like the one you use it to configure the Keithley to read the a DC volt and to declare the NPLC;
- _driver.Measurement.Function = Ke37XXMeasurementFunctionEnum.Ke37XXMeasurementFunctionDCVolts
- '_driver.Measurement.Nplc = 0.1
- driver.Scan.AppendScanList("1002", "myTempCfg")
Driver to control Keithley 3706A with visual basic application using ethernet cable
I'm trying to develop Visual Basic code to connect my PC to a Keithley 3706A multimeter via an Ethernet, I have found this driver "3700/3700A Series IVI-COM/IVI-C Driver version 2.2.0 | Tektronix",and in the driver I have found a Visual Basic application as an example and use it to connect to the keithley.
Unfortunately, this code only works with the GPIB communication, and I can't find any other function in this driver that is used to connect to the Keithley via Ethernet.
I have attach to this the example screenshots (code & design) and the function used from the driver.
Can you please support me with the best driver or another function to connect to the Keithley via Ethernet as soon as possible? -
Driver to control Keithley 3706A with visual basic application using ethernet cable
I'm trying to develop Visual Basic code to connect my PC to a Keithley 3706A multimeter via an ethernet cable, but I couldn't find this driver.
Can you please support me with this driver as soon as possible.