Posted 12 months ago by Auth, Lorenz
Hello, I am using the Keithley measuring system 2701 with the modules 7700 and 7703 for the first time.
The connection to the KickStart software was successfully established and the first measurements were carried out with the data logger. Through the settings (Time between Scans = 0.0001s, NPLC = 0.0002) I achieve a scanning time of approx. 4ms.

Ideally, the measurement should be much more precise and be in the range of 1ms. Hence the question: Are there settings that allow an even higher sampling rate? Or is that not possible at all with this structure?
Posted 12 months ago by McKinney, Ty
Hi Lorenz,
.002 NPLC (or RATE as you'd find in the manual) is the lowest value you can set for NPLC with this unit. If you type in "0.0002" as you claim you did above, KickStart will autocorrect to the lowest possible NPLC value of 0.002.
If you are wanting to scan as quickly as possible through KickStart, you can set the time between scans to 0 seconds and turn autozero OFF (uncheck box next to Autozero) when you are configuring your scan and channels. This will be the fastest possible scanning time available. Depending on hardware and firmware overhead, you should be able to get to around 1-2 ms. between scans. This rapid-fire operation will sacrifice accuracy for speed though, just a fair warning.

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