Or share a screenshot of the settings
Hi Gislain,
I was able to get an FFT with the TBS2kB on Tekscope; could I see the settings you have when you click on Math 1? Could you check where the Source is set to?
-Iris Xu
Hi Kyle,
Both the MSO24 and MS4kB have 8 bits of vertical resolution (2^8 = 256 voltage levels, so "2 decimal places" worth of resolution), so that's a limitation of the scope itself rather than some memory/USB protocol limitations.
You can try using Hi Res or averaging signal values; the horizontal column/TIME does not have to do with the vertical resolution.
Iris Xu
Hi Pawan,
Using your example range; if you had 5V/div and 10 divisions, the vertical range would be 50V.
With the 8 bits, there would be 2^8= 256 voltage levels represented across 50V. 50 Volts/256 levels = 0.1953125 V per level.
The scope may use some bits to detect clipping on the signal though.
As for the programmable amplifier, what scope are you using/referring to?
Iris Xu
Hi Martin,
Copying over the reply to the ticket that you sent in:
Are there any other VISAs downloaded to your PC? There is this bug where TekVISA needs to be the first VISA installed if you're using others (like NI-VISA). Does the MSO46 show up in TekVISA, even if not in TekScope?
Does the scope show up at all in the windows Device Manager (even if it isn't labelled as MSO46B)? Maybe try a few different USB cables as well, preferably USB 3.0 with a ferrite bead.
We will start from here and try to narrow down where the issue is occurring.
Iris Xu