MSO4034B mixed signal oscilloscope compatibility with the TIVPWS500X probe
Does the TIVPWS500X Isolated probe work with the MSO4034B scope?
Need new P2220 oscilloscope probe tip-clips
Over the years, I have misplaced 3 of the little push-on tip-clips that came with the probes that came with my TDS2024B oscilloscope. Is there a way to buy new tip-clips? The probes work just fine.
MSO44 Minimum Voltage Range
In the manual, it lists the MSO44 as being able to do 500 uV/Div. When using the TPP1000 probes or the TAP1500, the oscilloscope will not go below 5mV/Div. Is there something I am doing wrong, or is it a probe limitation?
MDO32 Minimum Record Length
DO you have information on the MDO32? Can the minimum record length can reach below 10k?
Memory in the TDS3054B and declassification procedure
Does the TDS3054B contain non-volatile memory? This is for security purposes. Also, is there a database categorizing what Tektronix devices contain volatile memory?
Measuring TBS1064 frequency in a single cycle
How can I measure frequency in a single cycle on the unit?
SMU236 Spurs across 200MHz Bandwidth
What should be used to mitigate spurs when measuring across a 200MHz Bandwidth?
AFG3011C Sini Wave Frequency
TEK AFG3011C specification states, in burst mode sini wave freq. band is limited to 5MHz.
Is it possible to drive sini wave up to 10MHz/20Vpp in continuous operating mode? -
We are currently looking into solutions for battery testing and was looking into using Kickstart along with our Keithley 2280s-32-6, However I have previously used up my free trial of Kickstart doing testing on Photovoltaic cells. I was wondering if i could get another Kickstart free trial to test out whether it is sufficient for our battery testing setup. Thanks!
Floating License on DPO72004C
Hi, I tried to install a floating license on my DPO72004C scope. The option installation menu showed an expired DPOFL-SR-EMBD license. Tried to install a new license and an error indicated that the software was already installed. Reset the scope still not installed. Changed the time on the scope due to daylight savings time to reflect the correct time thinking that may have been the issue. Tried installing a new license again. Now there are two expired licenses shown in the option install menu for DPOFL-SR-EMBD. I am able to check-in the license with one of the expired ones with its respective exit key. Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed?