• I accidently applied ~225V to my 2450 terminals

    I accidently applied over 250v to the meter while it was in meter mode. It gave a heatsink over temp (even though it isn't).

    There is voltage at the terminals. Any ideas?

  • How do I open a MSO46 exported .tss file?

    The MSO46 can export a .tss file which is kind if like a zip file. How do I open it?

  • DMM6500 "The instrument has encountered a fatal, unrecoverable error"


    We encountered the following errors on the same piece of equipment on 2 separate occasions:

    "The instrument has encountered a fatal, unrecoverable error Power cycle this instrument. if the issue persists, contact us at tek.com/keithley PC=004AD934 v01.07.70"

    "The instrument has encountered a fatal, unrecoverable error Power cycle this instrument. if the issue persists, contact us at tek.com/keithley PC=00482120 v01.07.70"

    Both times, the device was in DCI mode, but was not actively acquiring measurements. After power cycling, the device returned to normal operation for both instances. To my knowledge, this specific device has not been used for current measurements; It is mostly used for voltage and continuity measurements since it was received in late January 2022. The rate of occurrence for these error messages is not negligible based on how infrequently this device is used.

    Can you please let me know if this might simply be a software issue that can be fixed remotely or if we'll need to have the item shipped back entirely for repair?

  • DMM6500 "-222 Parameter data out of range" reported when adjusting low DIGI DCI with calibrator and reference multimeter

    I am measuring the in circuit current using a reference DMM as specified in the adjustment procedure in the DMM6500 Calibration and Adjustment Manual. The regular DCI adjustment steps work fine. However, the DIGI DCI steps report an error, with essentially the same value.

    cal.adjust.step.execute(stepname, value)

    cal.adjust.step.execute("cal_DCI_10uA_fs_pos", 1.0000105e-05)
    cal.adjust.step.execute("cal_DCI_DIGI_10uA_fs_pos", 1.0000011e-05)

    -222 Parameter data out of range

    cal.adjust.step.execute("cal_DCI_10uA_fs_neg", -1.0000099e-05)
    cal.adjust.step.execute("cal_DCI_DIGI_10uA_fs_neg", -9.999962e-06)

    -222 Parameter data out of range

  • MSO54 Mount Network Drive stopped working

    In the past I have been able to mount a network drive to my MSO54 but this has stopped working. I upgraded to the latest code and the menus changed but I can still not mount a drive. When I enter all the information and click OK, nothing happens.

    A colleague tried it on his scope and it works. Then he tried it with his credentials on my scope but it did not work so it seems to be my scope.

    Can you help resolve this issue?