Capturing Help for MSO58
I want to capture and collect up to 1000 Waveforms after each individual trigger, and am trying to figure out the best way to do this. I currently use Openchoice but since I am more familiar with MATLAB, I wonder if there is an update to get the MSO58 working with the software. Is MATLAB compatible with the MSO58? If not, please explain how I can perform this process in Openchoice.
Capturing Data on MDO3034
Hello, how can I log data from my oscilloscope onto an external hard disk, or a computer? I would like to record a signal overnight or an extended period of time.
Capturing 1 kHz using MSO58 5-BW-1000
Is the MSO58 capable of capturing as low as 1 kHz?
MSO56 - Capture on every trigger?
I am trying to figure out how to save a screen capture on every trigger. Is this possible on the MSO56? I see comments online about it in the Acquisition menu, but do not see anything obvious to save the captures.
Capture measurements using the 2461
Can you help me export measurements from my 2461? I would also like to be able to save these to my PC in a readable format (Excel, PDF, etc.).
Capture & Store Data on TBS2102
I want to capture 2000 seconds of data from my TBS2102. I can capture 1500 seconds of data but would like to understand if I can reach the 30 minute mark of capturing Data.
Cant turn on DPO72304SX
I'm having problems booting up my DPO72304SX. This morning the unit was working perfectly fine, but it randomly shut off when we were setting it up. Now we cannot even turn on the unit.
Can't programmaticaly set Edge Trigger on MDO3014
I am using the LabVIEW VI called Series Edge Triggered Acquistion Waveform Example, and I cannot programmatically set a triggered (Edge) acquistion if my timebase is larger than 0.020. If I choose a value larger than 0.020, say 0.040, it does an Auto (Untriggered) waveform instead. What is the issue and how can I solve it?
Can't mount network drive on MSO64
After updating to firmware 38.1.2189, I can not mount a network drive. The FILE UTILITIES window is hung up with a blue status bar moving at the top. When I try to mount the drive, it just sits there and does nothing. I am using the same inputs as before the FW update, but it no longer works.
Can't get past opening screen - DPO2000B
My Oscope does not go beyond the opening screen no matter which buttons we press. This is a new problem- any idea what might be wrong?