Hi John,<br>
I let our product team know of this issue. I'll let you know if there is an update.<br>
Iris Xu
Hi Martin, <br>
It looks like you made a new thread dipping into SCPI commands in a python script, which is typically the way people remote into their scope and change around settings. You can also send them one-by-one using other apps like tekVISA Talker/Listener, for example.<br>
Specifically for recalling tss files, the command can be found on page 2-1132 of the <a href="https://www.tek.com/en/sitewide-content/manuals/4/5/6/4-5-6-series-mso-programmer-manual">4/5/6 series programmer's manual</a><br>
RECAll:SESsion "insert tss file path"<br>
And for getting screenshots(PNG files) you can use (page 2-1156)<br>
SAVe:IMAGe "insert file path.png"<br>
I'm not sure where you want to save the files to, but you can check your current working directory with (page 2-585)<br>
FILESystem:CWD <br>
and also mount a windows or tekdrive (2-588), though this might be easier to do through the scope UI.<br>
Iris Xu
Hi Otto,<br>
It looks like the scale is set to 2kV/div, not 1000V. Can I ask about the rest of your setup?<br>
1) What probe are you using?<br>
2) What are the probe settings? (ex. Attenuation, termination, etc. feel free to attach another photo.)<br>
Iris Xu
Could you also try going to Utility-->Utility Page-->Self Test-->Self Test Menu-->Loop 1 Times-->OK Run Self Test?
Hi Luis,<br>
I was able to keep using the knobs while on the same firmware and setting the wave persistence.<br>
What were your other waveform display settings?<br>
Do you consistently have this issue every time you enter this menu?<br>
Iris Xu
Hi Martin,<br>
I think you're looking for the command <strong>DISplay:GLObal:CH:STATE</strong> (page 2-451 of the <a href="https://www.tek.com/en/sitewide-content/manuals/4/5/6/4-5-6-series-mso-programmer-manual">4/5/6 programming manual</a>) in the Display command group.<br>
You can break it out into a .csv or do on-screen measurements to find delta time with the cursors if none of the Measurement categories work for you.
I could pass this along to the firmware development team-- I also did a small test and see that it doesn't always save with the inverting setting correctly.<br>
Display- Inverted, Save-Normal will save an inverted image but with dialogue.<br>
If you have both Display-Inverted, and Save-Inverted, I believe the image will also save inverted.<br>
If you could provide some images with your issue that would be great.<br>
Rather than using the menus on the scope app running on your TDS like how you may be used to on our other scopes, you should use the standard Windows Utility (through the control panel) to configure the oscilloscope for compatibility with your network.<br>
Iris Xu
<p>1) .csv files are ASCII, comma delimited, and processed for human readability, which is why it takes up much more memory than a .wfm. .wfm is meant to be used internally and consists of blocks of data ready to be processed by the scope. You can read more about the .wfm formatting here: https://download.tek.com/manual/Waveform-File-Format-Manual-077022011.pdf</p>
<p>2) To get more significant figures in your .csv, you can lower the sample rate from 6.25GS/s to about 3.125GS/s, or until the "Sample: 8 bits" under the Acquisition tab changes to "Sample: 12 bits". The higher bit resolution will give you more sig. figures when formatted to .csv.</p>