RE: Interlock 6517b
Interlock is a safety feature designed to protect users from harmful levels of voltage. The amount of support I am able to offer in return is therefore limited.
All information regarding Interlock can be found in the 6517B manual. Reference pages 3-12 and on for more information.
Model 6517B Electrometer User's Manual | Tektronix
RE: How loud are the fans on dual channel SMUs?
Hello Jeremy,
We don’t have an exact number for the sound noise, but we have noise with maximum load conditions under 80 dBA for 2604B. This is the safety requirement for sound level. We confirm that the instrument 2604B complied with the requirement. But we don’t have actual noise under 80 dBA in number. -
RE: SMU as a static load resistance
You can program a 2450 SMU to sink current and measure voltage. See attached PNG for reference to the power envelope for this unit. If sinking up to 1A, you will be limited up to 20V, and if sinking up to 100mA, you will be limited up to 200V.
If you need to maintain a steady 1uOhm load resistance, your V and I will need to stay fixed. If your voltage changes for example, you will need to adjust the current appropriately. This can be done via custom programming but there will be a delay before establishing a dedicated constant current/voltage again as the unit sources and measures and adjusts to what you need.
I would recommend using a dedicated electronic load unit capable of performing what you need, as these units are designed specifically for this application. See link below for an example unit that we at Keithley offer:
DC Electronic Loads | Tektronix -
RE: Connection Keithley power supply 2260B-800-1 to a PC via GPIB using the TEK-USB-488 GPIB to USB
See below link to another thread that should help! This covers all available information we have at this time.
GPIB-to-USB connection of Keithley 2260B-800-1 via TEK-USB-488 GPIB to USB adapter · Tektronix Community -
RE: GPIB-to-USB connection of Keithley 2260B-800-1 via TEK-USB-488 GPIB to USB adapter
I'm sorry about that. That product is no longer supported. The adaptors we can provide support with are our KUSB adaptors and a select few NI adaptors.
I would recommend using LAN or USB for your communication protocols. This will also negate any issues encountered while using adaptors of any kind. -
RE: GPIB-to-USB connection of Keithley 2260B-800-1 via TEK-USB-488 GPIB to USB adapter
You will need the additional adaptor for the 2260B, called the 2260B-GPIB-USB adaptor.
Also, make sure you have the unit configured to GPIB communicaiton protocol to establish your connection.
See the link below here for the instruction's manual for this adaptor:
2260B-GPIB-USB GPIB to USB Adapter Operation Instructions | Tektronix
See link below for instructions on how to make a connection using this adaptor from the 2260B user's manual on page 144 and on.
Series 2260B Multi-Range Programmable DC Power Supplies User Manual | Tektronix
Hope this helps! -
RE: Average Filter for Keithley 2400 SMU
To make sure I understand this correctly: Are you wanting to take X number of voltage steps and take ONE current reading per step, then average the current readings only but still report each individual voltage step? EX; 1V, 1A | 2V, 1.5A | 3V 2A... AVERage [1, 1.5, 2]
It is possible to build something that functions equivalently or similarly to how I just described. Reporting the voltage individually against the average current readings will not work. The average function built within the unit is simple in its application but sort of limited to how it can be configured. It will average all of your readings and report one value. i.e. one voltage average and one current average.
RE: Wheatstone Bridge Measurement
I would increase your limit quite a bit for measuring and see if that works for you.
To reference to your measurement reliability, you can check if the 2450 is within spec by sourcing directly to the SMU with the power supply to verify this voltage measurement.
If you are seeking to measure voltage, sourcing 0nA on lowest range will allow you to measure voltage. This will require you to turn the output ON.
As for the readings you are seeing when the power supply is off, this is normal as there can be many different environmental factors that could give just enough signal to be picked up by our SMU's.
From what I can tell your setup seems to be correct.
Let me know if this information helps! -
RE: DMM7510 Parameter dmm.digitize.inputimpedance in 100V range does not work as described in the d
RE: DMM7510 Parameter dmm.digitize.inputimpedance in 100V range does not work as described in the d
This would be a question and case best handeled by our technical support center. Would you create a case at the link below and reference this forum post? We should reach out to you once we have your information!