Posted 5 months ago by Wang, Frank
According to the release note for, under known issues, it states that the

* Firmware update causes loss of HostID and licenses from versions to
* Firmware update deletes or corrupts licenses and unable to reinstall licenses

So, is it safe to update my MSO4 with a perpetual license to the latest  The release notes does not make that clear.


Posted 5 months ago by Higgs, Kieron
I think it depends on what firmware version you have installed if you select Help on the menu and then about the dialog box will tell you what version that you have 

If you had installed the previous version (Version the one with the TDR measurement) i think you should be ok 
but that is how I have understood the known bugs.

I will be installing it this weekend as I am away from my scope right now (I have Version installed)

Hope that helps
Posted 4 months ago by Scharpf, Jeffrey Principal Engineer
I just installed that version of firmware and now I see that the Host ID is gone, and I lost all of my add on licenses. I guess I'll have to contact tech support.

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