RE: P6202 accessories 10x and AC coupler
Hi Kees,
Unfortunately, we haven't sold those probes for a few decades now, so we no longer have those probe tips in stock. -
RE: ISO 1740A Fuse housing part
Hi Tim,
Is this A1F1 as listed in the manual?
If so, you have the 9 digit Tektronix part numbers there and you can get a quote for them by sending an email to buy@tek.com.
A picture of what the part left on the board looks like might also be helpful. -
RE: TDS694C works fine but just down to 20ns/DIV, signal distorted from 10ns/DIV and below
Hi Christian,
Is the scope switching to equivalent-time (ET) sampling when you go to 10 ns/div? Those early TDS scopes had that as a feature in their fastest time/div and it could lead to unusual problems if misused (bad triggering usually).
A picture of what you're seeing would also be useful. -
RE: Current probe resolution A621
Hi Adhya,
The datasheet specifies that it can measure currents down to 100 mA. It might be possible to measure lower current than that, it will depend on your exact setup.
If you can wrap the wire several times around the core then that will multiply the magnetic flux and therefore the measured current, allowing you to measure lower currents.
There's also the question of noise of the probe + oscilloscope, but I won't get into that discussion there as it's likely unnecessary.
For the voltage 10x probe, it will depend on the exact model number of the probe you're using. The easiest technique would be to simply plug in the probe, set the scope to the settings you want (enable HighRes and a bandwidth filter for best results), and see what the noise floor, this will tell you low you can usefully measure. -
RE: Deleting all waveforms from a directory in M>/
Hi Robertson,
command will list all the files in the current directory (the description mentions the USB memory but it actually works for all drives, I'm working on getting the documentation updated). -
RE: TDS3014B locked on splash screen
Hi Franck,
Sorry to hear. You'll want to go through the diagnostics procedures on the service manual to start: https://www.tek.com/en/manual/tds3000b-series -
RE: 2445 power supply failure, cap subs and optoisolator sub question
Hi Jason,
"Officially", yes, it will need cal after any repair. Unofficially, The 2400s were pretty resilient to power supply fluctuations, you'll probably find it's pretty close to spec.
Why do you want to increase the capacitance on some of the caps? Those supplies were very well designed, if they wanted higher capacitance, they would have put in higher capacitance.
Don't forget that when you increase the capacitance you often also increase other parasitics, those can have unexpected affects. You'll also be changing the resonant points of the filters, which could easily lead to your low pass filter no longer rejecting some of the power supply noise.
I would strongly suggest not changing any of the values unless you have very good reason to do so and understand how it might affect the system.
RE: 2445 power supply failure, cap subs and optoisolator sub question
Hi Jason,
There has been an addition but it's also obsolete and no longer available.
Funnily enough, the only 150-0885-xx part still available is 150-0885-00, which you can still buy from us (send an email to buy@tek.com to get a quote).
We have a policy of not giving repair advice besides what's in the service manual, so I'm not going to give you specific recommendations for replacement parts, sorry.
We don't generally publicize specs for our part numbers, so I cannot share those with you, sorry.
Personally, I would say you're massively overthinking it, yes. For the replacement caps, just buy good quality caps that exceed the specs given in the service manuals and you'll be just fine, they really aren't all that critical, especially on those later analog scopes which are surprisingly resilient to power rail noise. -
RE: MSO2 Retención de Máximos en Espectro
Hi Jose,
No I don't believe it's possible to do a max hold in the MSO2 FFT math trace, you would have to a higher class of scope (MDO3, MSO4, MSO5, etc) to get that feature. -
RE: How to receive Math() [SpectralMag/FFT] in Python via PYVISA
The problem is that you can't transfer a math channel using an integer encoding, you should instead use a floating point encoding.