• RE: MSO44 question about WFM/CSV

    <p>1) .csv files are ASCII, comma delimited, and processed for human readability, which is why it takes up much more memory than a .wfm. .wfm is meant to be used internally and consists of blocks of data ready to be processed by the scope. You can read more about the .wfm formatting here:&#160;https://download.tek.com/manual/Waveform-File-Format-Manual-077022011.pdf</p> <p>2) To get more significant figures in your .csv, you can lower the sample rate from 6.25GS/s to about 3.125GS/s, or until the &quot;Sample: 8 bits&quot;&#160;under the Acquisition tab changes to &quot;Sample: 12 bits&quot;. The higher bit resolution will give you more sig. figures when formatted to .csv.</p>
  • RE: VNC port on MSO24 remote access

    Hi Barry,<br> Unfortunately, we don't have a way for end users to change the MSO VNC to a different port.<br> <br> -Iris Xu
  • RE: Why there is amplitude drop after injected the pulse to a circuit?

    Carrie,<br> Resistors are passive elements, so whether you had the circuit powered on in this case does not matter. The frequency you're operating at shouldn't introduce reflections just yet.<br> I would recommend watching <a href="https://www.tek.com/en/video/how-to/50-ohms-output-impedance-on-function-generators">this video</a>&#160;from Tek to see exactly what 50 Ohm vs High-Z means within the context of an AFG output, oscilloscope, and how you should expect it to affect your measurements when bringing in a circuit. It gives a better visual example in changes that occur than what I can provide here.<br> <br> -Iris
  • RE: Why there is amplitude drop after injected the pulse to a circuit?

    Carrie,<br> There may be a drop because of a voltage division from what your circuit is composed of, even if you measure at the same location it's injected to.<br> <img alt="" src="https://i.imgur.com/0teEra0.png"><br> How high of a frequency are you operating at?<br> <br> Best,<br> Iris Xu
  • RE: Transfer Recall Settings to DPO 2024B

    The TDS2024C and DPO2024B do not have compatible .SET file formatting, nor do we have a software update or program to do so.<br> <br> You could open the TDS2024C .SET file in VIM and manually compare it to the&#160;DPO2024B .SET file, then re-fill the fields that are applicable, but they're quite different in terms of formatting.
  • RE: How to get screen caputure from DPO7000 series using VBA

    Try setting the timeout to be long enough to allow the full image data to be sent. Depending on how you're connected (in this case GPIB) you may need a longer timeout.<br> <br> osc.timeout = 3000
  • RE: MDO 4000 Series

    To add the measurements, select Measure->Add Measurement-->(Select Source)-->Measurement Type.
    From there, you can add a frequency measurement or scroll with the multipurpose knobs to see other options like positive and negative pulse width.

    These measurements use the portion of the acquisition selected in the gating menu. 
    You may change the region you're measuring in with (Under Wave Inspector in the front panel) Measure --> More --> Gating.
  • RE: Which command group to retrieve the specturm measurement results of MSO44?

    Hi Jeremy,

    The image you attached is also the algorithm used by the scope (page 635 in the MSO4 help manual).
    Looking at the equation, the values that you need to calculate channel power would be CBW (channel bandwidth), RBW (resolution bandwidth), N (number of data points) and Pk (power at the kth data point.)

    • To set/query CBW (the difference between the upper and lower frequency)
      Correction:  MEASUrement:MEASx:CPWIDTh
    • To set/query RBW (must set RBW mode to manual first)
      SV:RBWMode MANual
    • To find N and Pk, you could save the spectrum data and then parse through each point. The Save and Recall command group (2-92 in Programmer Manual) should have the SCPI commands to set up where to save and such. You can also change the record length;
      You can look more at the acquisition or data command group for other parameters you might want to change.

    Hopefully this will be a good starting point. I will let you know if I have any more ideas for working around the bug or edit if I find some more suitable commands for finding this programmatically. 


  • RE: MSO5 series spurious tone

    The other two things are also normal in terms of digital signal processing and how spectrum analyzers work.

    Along with this, changing the horizontal/vertical scale on the MSO5 series moves both the waveform and graticule relative to the display position, which may be something you're not used to on other scopes.
  • RE: MSO44 scope SCPI trigger questions


    You can use the A and B triggers to set up triggering on sequential events for example, where the A trigger acts as a qualifier. You can read more about their dual usage in page 134 of the MSO 4 series user manual.

    As for the SCPI commands you are looking for;
    • Setting trigger source to channel 3 (example using edge trigger type):
    TRIGger:{A|B}:EDGE:SOUrce CH3
    • Setting trigger level to 50% can be done with;
    TRIGger:{A|B|B:RESET} SETLevel

    Furthermore, if you want to know what the trigger parameters are after setting it to 50%, you can also query using (example using trigger A):
