Difference between 2230-30-1 and 2230G-30-1?
What is the difference between 2230-30-1 and 2230G-30-1?
Is P6015A compatible with TBS2074B?
I want to confirm the compatibility of probe P6015A with oscilloscope TBS2074B?
Diffferences between MSO58 and MSO58B?
What is the difference between the MSO58 series and the MSO58B series?
P2220: Replacement for P2200 probe
Our P2200 probe broke and we're looking for a replacement. Is it obsolete now? I couldn't find it anywhere for me to buy.
Calibration for TCP312A Probe
Does the TCP312A Current Probe require calibration?
ECCN for DMM6500
I am inquiring about an ECCN for a Keithley Instruments DMM6500 digital multimeter for our records.
What probes come with the TDS2104B?
I am considering purchasing the TBS2104B oscilloscope. I saw there were options for probes, and I was wondering if this oscilloscope comes with some or do I have to pay extra for them.
Accuracy of TDS3054B
Using a TDS3054B scope. Manual says" 2%" accuracy. Is this on the reading or the range? Like if I am using 5mV per division, is the error 8div*5mV/div*2%?.
Statement of volatility for DPO4014B
I need a statement of volatility for DPO4014B.
Option 4-AFG on MSO54
Looking for information about scope option 4-AFG.