RE: TBS2000 Software/ Remote Options
To remotely control your instrument, you can use e*Scope. E*Scope can be accessed through a web browser by entering the scope's IP address into the address bar. To easily capture and save waveforms, I would suggest using one of our software options as these actions are a little harder over e*Scope. I suggest you look into OpenChoice Desktop and TekScope Utility. These options are both free, but they use different Visa options. OpenChoice Desktop works with TekVisa and TekScope Utility works with NIVISA. Take a look at the links below to learn more about these two options.
OpenChoice Desktop: https://www.tek.com/en/support/software/utility/tektronix-openchoice-desktop-application-tdspcs1--v28
TekScope Utility: https://forum.tek.com/viewtopic.php?t=140451
RE: TBS2072B Software Solution
Due to the specialized system that you are working with you will probably need to refer to the programmers guide and create a custom program. However you may want to check if TekScope Utility will meet your needs. It is a free program that offers datalogging and several other features that you may find useful.
TekScope Utility:
https://forum.tek.com/viewtopic.php?t=140451&__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=Ij829Jr3q9Dus1kVgbVaPbmFatMzpKAZHqrnBQNU2js-1642805988-0-gaNycGzNDr0TBS2000B Programmers Manual:
https://www.tek.com/en/oscilloscope/tbs2000-basic-oscilloscope-manual/tbs2000b-series-oscilloscopes -
RE: DPO7104 Software reinstall
Yes it can, and there a few options.
We (for us here in our lab) use a simple drive cloning tool like StartTech or others and just take the known good drive and clone it to another drive then we have a working master we keep.Another option would be a thrid party backup software I don't have any idea's for that, I don't use them.
Depending on the OS and serial number of the DPO7104 there is this manual on tek.com that could have came with the scope about Creating Operating System Restore Media.
Our OS must match the hardware in the scope so this may not apply to one you have.
https://www.tek.com/en/search?keywords=071250104 -
RE: TDS2012C Software license question
All the software that would have came with the TDS2012C is on tek.com for free downloading. We have a free software that you can connect to the scope and save screen shots data, and do data logging see link below.
It's called TekScope Utility, looks like the latest version is -
RE: TDS2022C and Excel 2010 addin
Here is the link for the Excel toolbar: https://www.tek.com/en/support/software/utility/tektronix-toolbars-microsoft-office-32-bit-v404. I believe this would be what you need. This software is out of support, but should still work for you.
RE: Software for Remote Use of TDS2014
The TDS2000 does not have a software option that will be able to do both of these functions. I suggest looking at TekScope Utility for remotely saving waveforms and programmatic control for remotely triggering the unit. You can find more info and download TekScope Utility here: https://forum.tek.com/viewtopic.php?f=571&t=140451
Thank you.
RE: RSA 306B Software Error
The RSA306B is designed to connect to SignalVu-PC which is available as a free download from here: https://www.tek.com/en/support/software/application/signalvupc-vector-signal-analysis-software-v450093
There are several paid software options for SignalVu-PC that expand its functionality and offer free 30 day trials but the base software is free. The datasheet elaborates more on these features here: https://www.tek.com/en/datasheet/vector-and-rf-suite-signal-analysis-software-pc
RE: 2651A Software
If you are looking for the latest instrument firmware you can find that here: https://www.tek.com/en/support/software/firmware/series-2650a-firmware-and-release-notes--v120
For instrument control you should look into Kickstart. It can be downloaded from our website here: https://www.tek.com/en/support/software/application/2-7-0
RE: How to take screen shots on 5 Series MSO?
Thanks for contacting us,
There are a few approaches here so I'll try to offer enough information for you to choose what would work best for you. If you want to view and remotely operate the scope you can use e*Scope by networking the scope and accessing it's IP address from a web browser or by simply using a remote desktop application if you are using the Windows drive. Additionally, if you are using the Windows drive you can also save files (including screenshots) directly to a networked drive the same way you can with any other Windows computer. If you want to save screenshots directly from the scope to the computer you can use the SCPI commands outlined in the programmers manual or you can try this free piece of software created by one of our engineers: https://forum.tek.com/viewtopic.php?t=140382 Lastly, if you want a more robust remote UI for working with your scope(s) you can look into our paid software that fully replicates the UI locally on your computer: https://www.tek.com/en/products/software/tekscope-pc-analysis-software
RE: Update Firmware onTDS3024B
That is not a supported way to upgrade the FW and has not been tested. You should save the firmware to floppy disk and install directly via floppy to the scope.