I'm finding that KickStart 2.10.1 supports up to 100K measurements the 2600B while biasing.
Which version of KickStart do you use?
Can you get specific for how long of a duration of sampling you would want to have?
And related would be the desired sample rate and number of resultant points of current vs. time.
If the 100K points seems enough, just we sample too fast, try increasing the NPLC value so that more time is required for each individual measurement.
Our 2600B series have feature in the TSP runtime engine to utilize the RS-232 port for communication with external device from the instrument scripting.
But same serial API is not defined for the KTTT-RS232 add on card for DAQ6510.
It does have TSP-NET to utilize the LAN port for external device communication.
Surprised to hear the phase marker signal is not TTL for you.
What was input R of the scope when observing it? Were you also temporarily disconnected from the lock-in trigger when evaluating?
Can you try different line within the TLINK for phase marker?
is the lock-in using falling edge trigger from 6221?
I need to do some research on this.
In meantime can you confirm: are you trying to operate in quadrant 1 (positive current, positive v), or quadrant 4 (negative current, positive V).
Related to this, is the device active or passive? Does it have an open circuit voltage above 20V?
I agree with your pinout definitions with one exception.
The orange DC/Pulse connector for the 10usec current pulse is not guarded.
Consider the unused pins to be open.
The green connector is essentially a 2601B SourceMeter. Same pinout.
If I may revisit the idea of using the 2601B-P-INT:
if using the instrument to excite laser, the -P-INT gives you an interlock to integrate with your safety scheme.
It also gives you a single set of connections for SMU or Current Pulser.
It is correct of you to point out that when routing the SMU on the BNC output of the -P-INT, the SMU guard voltage is on the outer shell of the BNC cable.
But this is a max 40V SMU instrument, so this does not generally pose a safety concern and especially if the cables are already inside of the light curtain safety barrier.
At 40V and less, it is very economical way to get the benefit of a guarded cable and improved settling times and less cable leakage.
Consider using the 7078-TRX-BNC to reconnect the BNC outer shell to the triax inner shield which typically carries guard of a SMU instrument.
The 2601B-PULSE is designed for connections through the 2601B-P-INT and the four BNC that it presents.
Can I ask the reason you want to separately connect to the DC and the Pulse output connectors?
I do not recognize that as any sort of dependency for the Flash Wizard application.
But it is a rather old utility and does use some shared Microsoft objects/components.
Do you have Microsoft Office installed on your computer? If yes, what version?
What version of Windows OS is on this system?
Any chance you can try it from a different computer?
FlashWizard has been around a very long time. I've recently verified it on Windows 11, so that and earlier Windows should be OK.
On the graph view, where you have data, what is name of the Active buffer. Go to Data tab once Graph view is displayed.
Do your trigger blocks make use of same buffer name?
On the graph view, where you have data, what is name of the Active buffer. Go to Data tab once Graph view is displayed.
Do your trigger blocks make use of same buffer name?
Hi Maia,
I'm going to ask the factory to take a look at this.
Excellent detail here and steps to duplicate. Thank you for taking the time to put it so clearly.