• RE: Connecting a Keithley SourceMeter to a PC using puTTY

    Can you successfully ping the IP address of the instrument?<br> What's the IP address of the computer from which you are trying this?<br> <br> From PuTTY, is straightforward to get a Telnet session on port 23.&#160; See attached document.
  • RE: How to Control CC/CV on the TP3005DM

    The&#160;TP3005DM is not a model I recognize. &#160;A google search shows it as made by company “TekPower” not Tektronix.<br> <br> Consider our various single channel models from the 2200 series.<br> https://www.tek.com/en/products/keithley/dc-power-supplies/2200-dc-power-supply<br> &#160;
  • RE: Oscilloscope ZTEC 450PCI not working with KITE9.1 SP6 (WIN 7)

    Are you moving the scope card between the two systems?&#160; Or do they both have a scope card and just the one running KITE 9.1 is not working?<br> <br> If you are attempting to move the card between the two systems, it will not work.&#160; The expected cards of the configuration is not designed to be modified in the field.&#160; So if the KITE 9.1 system never had a scope card, it will not be accepted by the KCON config.<br> <br> Please clarify.
  • RE: 4200 video output failure

    Ayoub,<br> <br> Your post seem off topic, so I created a different thread for managing 4200A-CVIV switch.&#160;&#160;<br> https://my.tek.com/tektalk/semi-para-analyzer/7654133b-38da-ed11-a81c-00224809317b<br> <br> Andrea<br> &#160;
  • 4200A-CVIV Outputs always open

    In Clarius software, be sure to make use of an Action to route the SMU or CVU to the output.<br> Execute the Action before you attempt to perform the SMU or CVU measurement.<br> In the Select ribbon, search for a project using &quot;CVIV&quot; as the search term.<br> Those projects will include the Action steps for configuring the CVIV prior to a measurement.
  • RE: Using 2657A for Double Pulse Test

    Hello,<br> <br> The HV-CS-1613 is just a feedthrough or barrel type connector utilizing our HV Triax connector type on both ends, so do not think it will be what you want either.<br> <br> For the double pulse test, I suspect you are using the SMU just to charge up the capacitor bank, right?<br> I imagine that measuring very low currents with the 2657A is not important to this application.<br> Therefore, you could make use of two cables of model SHV-CA-553-x (x is the length in meters).<br> One end of this cable has the proprietary HV Triax connector that will connect with the HI or LO at rear of 2657A.<br> The other end is an SHV Plug connector.<br> Your PCB or custom test fixture could then make use of commonly available SHV Jack connectors.<br> Google 'SHV Panel Mount' to get an idea of what the open market offers for SHV.<br> <br> <br> You mention having an 8010 test fixture and the HV-CA-554 cables already to connect the 2657A to the 8010.<br> If you want to continue to use those cables, but you need a means to connect to a custom test fixture or PCB board rather than to the 8010, consider using the HV-CA-571-3 feedthrough with unterminated triax.<br> Alternately, there is a PCB mount HV-CS-1589 that might also work for your situation.
  • RE: 3706 upgrade procedure

    Just confirming you have the older 3706 and not the 3706<strong>A?</strong><br> <br> &#160;Assuming 3706, page 7-2 of User Manual has the upgrade instructions.<br> (https://www.tek.com/en/switching-and-data-acquisition-systems/3700a-systems-switch-multimeter-manual-3)<br> <br> With the thumb drive inserted, you need to use the menu to navigate to the UPGRADE screen.&#160; Then the content from the thumb drive will be applied.<br> The two files that you placed will cause any &quot;autoexec&quot; application of the firmware update.
  • RE: I can't see...

    Can you clarify which forum post gives you this error?<br> The posts you have pertaining to Clarius install seem fine to me;&#160; &#160;not errors to display.
  • RE: Switching between Resistance Reading Channels on DAQ6510

    You may want to revisit the idea of using 2W for the high ohms channel.<br> When a measure function is associated with a channel, then when closing that channel, all the required channel pairing (in case of 4W) and backplane relays are managed for you.<br> So a scan that uses both 2W and 4W will mange the backplanes appropriately for the closed channel.<br> <br> If using a scan with mixed measure function type, I'm able to reliably measure 50MΩ (2Wire) and 0.5Ω (4Wire) on two different channels.&#160; See attached.<br> <br> If not performing a scan and attempting use of 4W with the 50MΩ, I find extra settling time is needed.<br> I'm not able to find a command in the IVI driver.&#160; So using the WriteString() to send:&#160; &quot;:ROUT:DEL 0.25, (@106)&quot;&#160; to obtain an extra 250msec on channel 106.<br> <br> See attached for info on both defining a scan or the single channel read approach.
  • RE: question about Keithley 6430 connect to 6517B

    If you want to connect the two meters together without soldering a cable, need three items:<br> triax cable to 6430 preamp (7078-TRX-3)<br> Insert 237-BNC-TRX into end of 7078-TRX-3 cable<br> Put 7078-TRX-BNC triax to BNC adapter onto 6517B;&#160; attach the cable.<br> <br> If you want to make your own, see attached image.