• RE: SMU 2612B - Firmware 4.x - LabTracer Issue

    I cannot think of any intended firmware differences in 4.x that would account for it.

    Can you capture a NI IO Trace during the attempt to use Labtracer with firmware 4.x and upload.
  • RE: Random measurement drop err. -113 Undefined Header

    On the old forum, user blegeyt gave helpful answer.

    The old post was for model 2400 but you have different model of product.

    Suggest:  use ni trace to capture the gpib bus traffic and see which exact command and error occurs.
    I suggest to verify root cause more fully.

    User blegeyt suggest to stop use of status byte reading and *opc, and instead *opc? and visa read with appropriate duration timeout.  He attributes the issue to usb to gpib interface or driver used by PC.
  • RE: DAQ6510 PLC COMM

    Typical way is to use raw sockets from the AB to talk to the instrument over LAN.
    Alternately, add a KTTI-rs232 communication module to the DAQ if the AB has COM port ability.

    This seems somewhat related:
    Using external equipment with AB PLC
  • RE: Hardware communication Error 5067 Keithley 2651A

    You might also want to contact David at the email in earlier post.

    Are you using any output off mode commands?
    Are you using the high capacitance mode?

    What is the Isc at 0V of your cell?
    What is the Voc at 0A?
  • RE: [4200A-SCS] KXCI recieve wrong command

    In KCON settings, your EOI is off.  Try turning that on in KCON for the gpib communication.
  • RE: Remote Restart SMU

    Thanks for clarifying.
    see if this post helps.  Same DST process for SMU or DAQ:

  • RE: How can I set "pulse mode" in keithley 2602B ?

    Needs an update:

    The code posted above will not take you into pulse region 4.
    These high watt pulse regions are in our Extended Operating Area and have firmware imposed max PW and Duty Cycle limits.

    To access the EOA regions, supply a higher voltage value for the trigger.source.limitv which will be applied only during the high watt pulse.
    When not sourcing the pulse level, the lower value set for the smuX.source.limitv applies.  The combo of smuX.source.leveli and smuX.source.limitv needs to be within the DC operating area of the SMU.

    These three lines in particular for accessing EOA region:

    smuX.measure.rangev = EOA_limit

    smuX.source.limitv = limitV

    smuX.trigger.source.limitv = EOA_limit

    I'll upload scope shot of 1.5A into 10Ω.

    Revised code:
    function Run_test(show_data, PulsePeriod, PulseWidth, MeasDelay)
       -- when passthrough is true, the timer will "tic" immediately,
       -- which for this application will start as soon as the
       -- trigger model is ARMED.  
       node[1].trigger.timer[1].delay = PulsePeriod
       node[1].trigger.timer[1].stimulus = node[1].smua.trigger.ARMED_EVENT_ID
       node[1].trigger.timer[1].count = 1  --PulseCount - 1
       node[1].trigger.timer[1].passthrough = true
       node[1].trigger.timer[2].delay = PulseWidth
       node[1].trigger.timer[2].stimulus = node[1].trigger.timer[1].EVENT_ID
       node[1].trigger.timer[2].count = 1        
       node[1].trigger.timer[2].passthrough = false
       node[1].trigger.timer[3].delay = MeasDelay
       node[1].trigger.timer[3].stimulus = node[1].trigger.timer[1].EVENT_ID
       node[1].trigger.timer[3].count = 1        
       node[1].trigger.timer[3].passthrough = false
        -- digital output trigger for external equipment
        -- configure digital IO line 1 to output a active LO/falling edge
        -- pulse at start of each current pulse
        digio.trigger[1].mode = digio.TRIG_FALLING  --digio.TRIG_RISINGM
        digio.trigger[1].pulsewidth = 100e-6
        digio.trigger[1].stimulus = node[1].trigger.timer[1].EVENT_ID  -- source stimulus too
       -- clear the reading buffers
        -- Turn the outputs on
        smua.source.output                    = smua.OUTPUT_ON
        -- after blue light state change, delay a little 
        -- Start the trigger model execution
        smua.trigger.initiate()   -- start this one last as all the other smus follow this leader
        -- Wait until the sweep has completed
    -- hot switch:
    -- to bleed off the trapped charge on PN junction capacitance and non-zero voltage
    -- briefly set the voltage compliance to small number
    restore_val = smua.source.limitv
    smua.source.limitv = 0.01
    smua.source.limitv = restore_val
        -- before blue light state change, delay a little 
        -- Turn the output off
        smua.source.output                    = smua.OUTPUT_OFF
        -- IV data for the laser
        if show_data == true then
           -- Print the data back to the Console in tabular format
           print(" Voltage\tCurrent\tResistance")
           for x=1,smua.nvbuffer1.n do
              -- Voltage readings are in nvbuffer2.  Current readings are in nvbuffer1.
              print(smua.nvbuffer2[x], smua.nvbuffer1[x], smua.nvbuffer2[x]/smua.nvbuffer1[x] )
    function reset_buffers(smu)
            -- Prepare the Reading Buffers
        smu.nvbuffer1.appendmode        = 1
        smu.nvbuffer1.collecttimestamps    = 1
        smu.nvbuffer2.appendmode        = 1
        smu.nvbuffer2.collecttimestamps    = 1
    function config_smu_list_sweep(nodenum, smu, srcRange, srclist, limitV, EOA_limit, nplc, remoteSense)
        smu.source.func                    = smu.OUTPUT_DCAMPS
        if (remoteSense == true) then
            smu.sense                    = smu.SENSE_REMOTE
            smu.sense                    = smu.SENSE_LOCAL
        smu.source.autorangei            = smu.AUTORANGE_OFF
        smu.source.rangei                = srcRange
        smu.source.leveli                = 0
        smu.source.limitv                = limitV
        -- Disabling Auto-Ranging and Auto-Zero ensures accurate and consistent timing
        smu.measure.autozero            = smu.AUTOZERO_ONCE
        smu.measure.autorangev            = smu.AUTORANGE_OFF
        smu.measure.rangev                = EOA_limit
        smu.measure.nplc                = nplc
        -- A timer will be used to set the measure delay and synchronize the measurement
        -- between the SMUs so set the built in delay to 0.
        smu.measure.delay                = 0
        -- Configure SMU Trigger Model for Sweep
        --smu.trigger.source.lineari(start, stop, numPoints)
        smu.trigger.source.limitv        = EOA_limit
        smu.trigger.measure.action        = smu.ENABLE
        smu.trigger.measure.iv(smu.nvbuffer1, smu.nvbuffer2)
        smu.trigger.endpulse.action        = smu.SOURCE_IDLE
        smu.trigger.endsweep.action        = smu.SOURCE_IDLE
        smu.trigger.count                = table.getn(srclist)
        smu.trigger.arm.stimulus        = 0
        smu.trigger.source.stimulus        = trigger.timer[1].EVENT_ID
        smu.trigger.measure.stimulus    = trigger.timer[3].EVENT_ID
        smu.trigger.endpulse.stimulus    = trigger.timer[2].EVENT_ID
        smu.trigger.source.action        = smu.ENABLE
    --  **************************************  MAIN PROGRAM BELOW *****************
    nodesFound = tsplink.reset(1)
    print("Nodes found = " .. nodesFound)
    --smua.interlock.enable = smua.DISABLE
    -- use of pulse region 4 of 2602B:  10A at up to 20V
    -- max 1.8msec pulse with 1% duty cycle
    local PulseWidth = 1.0e-3
    local PulsePeriod = PulseWidth / 0.01
    local MeasDelay = PulseWidth * 0.8
    local nplc = (PulseWidth - MeasDelay - 60e-6) * localnode.linefreq
    print("Computed NPLC value: "..tostring(nplc))
    if tostring(nplc) < "0.001" then
      nplc = 0.001   -- 16.7usec, minimum value allowed
      MeasDelay = 1e-6
    end -- if
    -- voltage ranges on 2602B:  100mV, 1V, 6V, 40V
    -- pick a limit value higher than expected I*DUT_R and
    -- puts you on appropriate range.
    local voltageLimit = 1
    local duringPulse_voltageLimit = 20
    -- ranges:  decades of 10.....100mA, 1A, 3A, 10A
    local mySrcRange = 3  
    mysrclist = { 1.5}  -- use this one for a single pulse
    --local numPulses = table.getn(mysrclist)
        --config_smu_list_sweep(nodenum, smu, srcRange, srclist, limitV, EOA_limit, nplc, remoteSense)
        config_smu_list_sweep(1, node[1].smua, mySrcRange, mysrclist, voltageLimit, duringPulse_voltageLimit, nplc, true)
       Run_test(true, PulsePeriod, PulseWidth, MeasDelay) -- pass true to print data back to console
       time = timer.measure.t()
       print("Time to run: "..time)
       print("Current Source Range: "..node[1].smua.source.rangei)

  • RE: Driver to control Keithley 3706A with visual basic application using ethernet cable

    Attached is a form file from a VB sample using IVI driver and 3706A.
  • RE: Driver to control Keithley 3706A with visual basic application using ethernet cable

    The IVI driver is probably the way to go.
    The IVI driver "sits upon" NI VISA for the communication with instruments.
    Instead of GPIB0:: type resource name, pass info for your LAN connected instrument.
    Typically like this:  TCPIP0::
    Substitute your IP address in there.
  • RE: How can I set "pulse mode" in keithley 2602B ?

    See how this does for you.
    In the attachment is scope shot of the 1.5Amp, 1msec pulse into 50mΩ resistor (~75mV response).

    TSP code:
    function Run_test(show_data, PulsePeriod, PulseWidth, MeasDelay)
       -- when passthrough is true, the timer will "tic" immediately,
       -- which for this application will start as soon as the
       -- trigger model is ARMED.  
       node[1].trigger.timer[1].delay = PulsePeriod
       node[1].trigger.timer[1].stimulus = node[1].smua.trigger.ARMED_EVENT_ID
       node[1].trigger.timer[1].count = 1  --PulseCount - 1
       node[1].trigger.timer[1].passthrough = true
       node[1].trigger.timer[2].delay = PulseWidth
       node[1].trigger.timer[2].stimulus = node[1].trigger.timer[1].EVENT_ID
       node[1].trigger.timer[2].count = 1        
       node[1].trigger.timer[2].passthrough = false
       node[1].trigger.timer[3].delay = MeasDelay
       node[1].trigger.timer[3].stimulus = node[1].trigger.timer[1].EVENT_ID
       node[1].trigger.timer[3].count = 1        
       node[1].trigger.timer[3].passthrough = false
        -- digital output trigger for external equipment
        -- configure digital IO line 1 to output a active LO/falling edge
        -- pulse at start of each current pulse
        digio.trigger[1].mode = digio.TRIG_FALLING  --digio.TRIG_RISINGM
        digio.trigger[1].pulsewidth = 100e-6
        digio.trigger[1].stimulus = node[1].trigger.timer[1].EVENT_ID  -- source stimulus too
       -- clear the reading buffers
        -- Turn the outputs on
        smua.source.output                    = smua.OUTPUT_ON
        -- after blue light state change, delay a little 
        -- Start the trigger model execution
        smua.trigger.initiate()   -- start this one last as all the other smus follow this leader
        -- Wait until the sweep has completed
    -- hot switch:
    -- to bleed off the trapped charge on PN junction capacitance and non-zero voltage
    -- briefly set the voltage compliance to small number
    restore_val = smua.source.limitv
    smua.source.limitv = 0.01
    smua.source.limitv = restore_val
        -- before blue light state change, delay a little 
        -- Turn the output off
        smua.source.output                    = smua.OUTPUT_OFF
        -- IV data for the laser
        if show_data == true then
           -- Print the data back to the Console in tabular format
           print(" Voltage\tCurrent\tResistance")
           for x=1,smua.nvbuffer1.n do
              -- Voltage readings are in nvbuffer2.  Current readings are in nvbuffer1.
              print(smua.nvbuffer2[x], smua.nvbuffer1[x], smua.nvbuffer2[x]/smua.nvbuffer1[x] )
    function reset_buffers(smu)
            -- Prepare the Reading Buffers
        smu.nvbuffer1.appendmode        = 1
        smu.nvbuffer1.collecttimestamps    = 1
        smu.nvbuffer2.appendmode        = 1
        smu.nvbuffer2.collecttimestamps    = 1
    function config_smu_list_sweep(nodenum, smu, srcRange, srclist, limitV, nplc, remoteSense)
        smu.source.func                    = smu.OUTPUT_DCAMPS
        if (remoteSense == true) then
            smu.sense                    = smu.SENSE_REMOTE
            smu.sense                    = smu.SENSE_LOCAL
        smu.source.autorangei            = smu.AUTORANGE_OFF
        smu.source.rangei                = srcRange
        smu.source.leveli                = 0
        smu.source.limitv                = limitV
        -- Disabling Auto-Ranging and Auto-Zero ensures accurate and consistent timing
        smu.measure.autozero            = smu.AUTOZERO_ONCE
        smu.measure.autorangev            = smu.AUTORANGE_OFF
        smu.measure.rangev                = limitV
        smu.measure.nplc                = nplc
        -- A timer will be used to set the measure delay and synchronize the measurement
        -- between the SMUs so set the built in delay to 0.
        smu.measure.delay                = 0
        -- Configure SMU Trigger Model for Sweep
        --smu.trigger.source.lineari(start, stop, numPoints)
        smu.trigger.source.limitv        = limitV
        smu.trigger.measure.action        = smu.ENABLE
        smu.trigger.measure.iv(smu.nvbuffer1, smu.nvbuffer2)
        smu.trigger.endpulse.action        = smu.SOURCE_IDLE
        smu.trigger.endsweep.action        = smu.SOURCE_IDLE
        smu.trigger.count                = table.getn(srclist)
        smu.trigger.arm.stimulus        = 0
        smu.trigger.source.stimulus        = trigger.timer[1].EVENT_ID
        smu.trigger.measure.stimulus    = trigger.timer[3].EVENT_ID
        smu.trigger.endpulse.stimulus    = trigger.timer[2].EVENT_ID
        smu.trigger.source.action        = smu.ENABLE
    --  **************************************  MAIN PROGRAM BELOW *****************
    nodesFound = tsplink.reset(1)
    print("Nodes found = " .. nodesFound)
    --smua.interlock.enable = smua.DISABLE
    -- use of pulse region 4 of 2602B:  10A at up to 20V
    -- max 1.8msec pulse with 1% duty cycle
    local PulseWidth = 1.0e-3
    local PulsePeriod = PulseWidth / 0.01
    local MeasDelay = PulseWidth * 0.8
    local nplc = (PulseWidth - MeasDelay - 60e-6) * localnode.linefreq
    print("Computed NPLC value: "..tostring(nplc))
    if tostring(nplc) < "0.001" then
      nplc = 0.001   -- 16.7usec, minimum value allowed
      MeasDelay = 1e-6
    end -- if
    -- voltage ranges on 2602B:  100mV, 1V, 6V, 40V
    -- pick a limit value higher than expected I*DUT_R and
    -- puts you on appropriate range.
    local voltageLimit = 1
    -- ranges:  decades of 10.....100mA, 1A, 3A, 10A
    local mySrcRange = 3  
    mysrclist = { 1.5}  -- use this one for a single pulse
    --local numPulses = table.getn(mysrclist)
        --config_smu_list_sweep(nodenum, smu, srcRange, srclist, limitV, nplc, remoteSense)
        config_smu_list_sweep(1, node[1].smua, mySrcRange, mysrclist, voltageLimit, nplc, true)
       Run_test(true, PulsePeriod, PulseWidth, MeasDelay) -- pass true to print data back to console
       time = timer.measure.t()
       print("Time to run: "..time)
       print("Current Source Range: "..node[1].smua.source.rangei)