RE: AFG1062 - Trigger interval in Burst Mode
Hi Diane,
not all the functions and parameters of AFG1000 are implemented with SCPI command.
the command is: [SOURce[1|2]]:BURSt:SOURce TIMer
but there is no command to define the trigger interval, which is 1 second by default.
As workaround, you could set the trigger internal value, then save setup and recall it with SCPI (*RCL) -
RE: Como transferir forma de onda capturada con MSO56 a AFG31000
Hola Jose,
there is no direct waveform file format that AFG31000 can load from MSO56.
one way could be save from MSO56 as CSV, import this in ArbExpress on PC and save as TFWX (Advance Mode) or TFW (Basic Mode). the CSV header may need to be edited.
Mind that the number of samples on the AFG31000 is limited to:
- 131k in Basic Mode
- 16M to optional 128 M points in Advance Mode.
if you are located in EMEA, we can follow up via e-mail. -
RE: AWG50000 Python communication
Hi, can you provide the output in the Python console, after launching the script?
specially, what does "print(f'Will send: {send_this}') # Will send: b'WLISt:WAVeform:DATA "deleteme",\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\n'"
do you get errors from AWG5000 or from SYST:ERR, or from Python?
are you located in EMEA region? -
RE: DPX Density and Frequency Mask Triggers Not Available after upgrade to 5.5
The new triggers are enabled by owning any other Signalvu-PC license (SVM, SVP, EMCVu, etc.).
Otherwise, new trigger are not available only in default Signalvu-PC installation. -
RE: RSA5126B operating system restore image or disk
Hi Adrian, it's not possible to share the OS Image outside Tektronix.<br> The RSA will need to be Serviced by us for restoringwith the original Windows 10 version provided by Tek.<br> No other Windows 10 version can be installed, they won't work.
RE: DMM6500 export csv
I see the problem, but only unusual thing is that Notepad++ finds ANSI as encoding in your file, while other CSV I saved from DMM have UTF-8.
Might be an issue with USB Drive, have you tried another one?
Can you save and share the setup file of the DMM6500?
from Menu - save setup - create - save in the USB. it does create a TSP file with all the settings. -
RE: DMM6500 export csv
could you upload one of these CSV files?
what is the FW version on the DMM6500? -
RE: Probe schematics and spikes
Hello Michele,
I don't have a clear understanding of the setup and the spikes you observe.
we can follow-up via email: massimiliano.fiaschetti@tektronix.com -
RE: High Current Probe search
At the best of my knowledge, such high current can be measured with Current Transducers, not normal Oscilloscope Current Probes,
We do not yet support these types of devices. -
RE: TDP1000 and MS058B
I connected a TDP1000 to a MSO58B and I get 1 GHz bandwidth on both probe range (4.2 and 42 V).
I can't see 650 MHz in no condition.
Only selecting MSO58B lower vertical scale will necessarily limits the bandwidth to 250 MHz.