Check out this application note pertaining to our 4200A-SCS and 1/f noise measurements:<br>
<a href="https://www.tek.com/en/documents/application-note/flicker-noise-measurements-using-the-4200a-scs-parameter-analyzer">1/F Noise Measurement with 4200A-SCS</a>
Here is some Python code that might more in line with what you are trying to do.<br>
I will upload an image of the outputs I get.  I have been feeding a 500Hz sine wave to the DMM7510.
<pre class="linenums prettyprint">debug = 1
my_instr.write(':TRACe:MAKE "voltDigBuffer",' + str(NUM_SAMPLES))
my_instr.write(':DIG:FUNC "VOLTage"')
my_instr.write(':SENS:DIG:VOLT:INP AUTO')
my_instr.write(':SENS:DIG:VOLT:RANG 10')
my_instr.write(':SENS:DIG:VOLT:SRATE 5000')   #5KHz sample rate
my_instr.write(':SENS:DIG:VOLT:APER AUTO')
my_instr.write(':SENS:DIG:COUN ' + str(NUM_SAMPLES))
my_instr.write(':TRAC:POIN ' + str(NUM_SAMPLES))
my_instr.write(':TRAC:TRIG:DIG "voltDigBuffer"')
# wait for done before asking for the data
time.sleep(1)  #pause before asking for data
if debug == 1:
    my_instr.write(':TRAC:DATA? 95, 100, "voltDigBuffer", REL, READ')
    print("****** response to last five points query *************")
#split, parse, etc.
raw_data will be comma delimted string of 
timestamp, reading, timestamp, reading,... etc.
#ask for all the data
#TODO:  adjust for NUM_SAMPLES
raw_data = my_instr.query(':TRAC:DATA? 1, 100, "voltDigBuffer", REL, READ')
raw_data_array = raw_data.split(',')
timestamps = []
Digitized_V = []
# use step of 2 because there are two elements per reading
for i in range(0, len(raw_data_array), 2):
    if len(raw_data_array[i]) > 0:
if debug == 1:
    print("******* Timestamps *******************")        
    print("******** Voltage ******************")
#graph it
plt.autoscale(True, True, True)
#plt.axis([0, 0.2, 0, 50e-6])
plt.plot(timestamps, Digitized_V, 'c--')
In general, when the command you send ends with the question mark (a query type command), you should immediately follow with a read to pull the response to the query command off the output queue.<br>
You are sending more than one command in a row.  The first time you read, you will get the response from the first query command, not from the most recent.<br>
I'll attach a screen image of your code and the outputs but using a read after each query command.
Can you successfully ping the IP address of the instrument?<br>
What's the IP address of the computer from which you are trying this?<br>
From PuTTY, is straightforward to get a Telnet session on port 23.  See attached document.
The TP3005DM is not a model I recognize.  A google search shows it as made by company “TekPower” not Tektronix.<br>
Consider our various single channel models from the 2200 series.<br>
Are you moving the scope card between the two systems?  Or do they both have a scope card and just the one running KITE 9.1 is not working?<br>
If you are attempting to move the card between the two systems, it will not work.  The expected cards of the configuration is not designed to be modified in the field.  So if the KITE 9.1 system never had a scope card, it will not be accepted by the KCON config.<br>
Please clarify.
Your post seem off topic, so I created a different thread for managing 4200A-CVIV switch.  <br>
In Clarius software, be sure to make use of an Action to route the SMU or CVU to the output.<br>
Execute the Action before you attempt to perform the SMU or CVU measurement.<br>
In the Select ribbon, search for a project using "CVIV" as the search term.<br>
Those projects will include the Action steps for configuring the CVIV prior to a measurement.
The HV-CS-1613 is just a feedthrough or barrel type connector utilizing our HV Triax connector type on both ends, so do not think it will be what you want either.<br>
For the double pulse test, I suspect you are using the SMU just to charge up the capacitor bank, right?<br>
I imagine that measuring very low currents with the 2657A is not important to this application.<br>
Therefore, you could make use of two cables of model SHV-CA-553-x (x is the length in meters).<br>
One end of this cable has the proprietary HV Triax connector that will connect with the HI or LO at rear of 2657A.<br>
The other end is an SHV Plug connector.<br>
Your PCB or custom test fixture could then make use of commonly available SHV Jack connectors.<br>
Google 'SHV Panel Mount' to get an idea of what the open market offers for SHV.<br>
You mention having an 8010 test fixture and the HV-CA-554 cables already to connect the 2657A to the 8010.<br>
If you want to continue to use those cables, but you need a means to connect to a custom test fixture or PCB board rather than to the 8010, consider using the HV-CA-571-3 feedthrough with unterminated triax.<br>
Alternately, there is a PCB mount HV-CS-1589 that might also work for your situation.
Just confirming you have the older 3706 and not the 3706<strong>A?</strong><br>
 Assuming 3706, page 7-2 of User Manual has the upgrade instructions.<br>
With the thumb drive inserted, you need to use the menu to navigate to the UPGRADE screen.  Then the content from the thumb drive will be applied.<br>
The two files that you placed will cause any "autoexec" application of the firmware update.