Need Programming Manual for Pattern Generator and Error Detector
I am looking for the programming manuals for the 12592 Programmable Pattern Generator and 13020 Error Detector.
Need Compression Adaptor for P6860 Probe
I'm looking for the "Compression adaptor" that can be used with P6860 probe for TLA7012.
TLA7012 Black Screen
I have a TLA7012 and when I power the unit on, it goes into a black screen. Do you haec any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
BitAlyzer BA1500 End of life date?
What is the EOL date for the BitAlyzer BA1500?
MDO34 Internal noise on power up. New Unit
I have a brand new MDO34. When I power on the MDO34 after being off overnight, the unit makes a random low volume muted clicking sound.
The range and cycle changes during the power on. Almost sounds like a very slow speed fan blade tick.Sound ceases after about 5 mins of power on time. Maybe the function generator is performing a self test?
Is this normal?
DPO72304DX Maximum Time Recording
How do I set the maximum time of recording from 2 Channels at 100GHz samples per second from my DPO72304DX?
4200A-SCS Maximum Heat
What is the maximum temperature that the 4200 would run at? I'm not sure if there is a technical term for it, such as "Thermal Load" or "Heat Radiation," but I need to know before setting up my lab.
TBS2204B MATLAB Drivers
Does the TBS2204B have MATLAB drivers?
TDS3032 Mathematical post processing
I Want to display a mathematical post processed output from two measured channels.
I am measuring the output of a mixer. The I channel voltage is measured on Channel 1 and the Q channel on Channel 2. If I do the trigonometry, I can get the phase info or the amplitude info over time. Triggering is on another channel and there is averaging.
Is there a way to do this internally like with a plugin card?
Or is it best thru labview? -
TBS2072 Margin of Error
What is the margin of error of the TBS2072 while doing automatic measurements?